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Make shotguns not useless.

As someone who rarely uses shotguns even I can tell just how terrible they are. The accuracy based on movement is buggy as hell and doesn't work properly on any tier with -accuracy. They can't even one shot kill if the fast majority of pellets land in the head area. And on top of that they seem to shitbox more then any other guns although that's probably more to do with the accuracy based on movement.

I'm not asking for a large improvement, but could it at least consistant 1 hit kill if you put a shot in someones face at point blank range. Also while the accuracy based on movement was a good ideal it doesn't work, because it acts as a static value and not based off of movement increase in any gradual way.

The accuracy based on movement mainly effects swift shotguns, as swift was never supposed to be on shotguns to begin with.
(220 is base movement speed)
local sp = self.Owner:GetVelocity():Length();
   if (sp > 210)
        if (!self.baseCone)
            self.baseCone = self.Primary.Cone;// = 0.0898
        local per = math.Clamp(1 / (260 - 210) * (sp - 210), 0, 1.5);
        self.Primary.Cone = self.baseCone + (self.baseCone) * per;
        if (self.baseCone)
            self.Primary.Cone = self.baseCone;

I will update it with the code above to be a bit more gradual. from 210 to 260 speed. Normal player speed is 220.

I have updated the servers with the new code. It should make the transition a little better.

>I'm not asking for a large improvement, but could it at least consistant 1 hit kill

That's the problem. Nasty weapon. Don't need to aim, just spray up close and they instantly die. Only other weapons to do that are the deagle and rifle, which you obviously cannot spray & pray with.

(04-24-2016, 02:23 AM)Terran Wrote:  >I'm not asking for a large improvement, but could it at least consistant 1 hit kill

That's the problem. Nasty weapon. Don't need to aim, just spray up close and they instantly die. Only other weapons to do that are the deagle and rifle, which you obviously cannot spray & pray with.

except it makes sense for a shotgun to instantly kill someone up close.

finally someone sees how bad they are

The accuracy doesn't change if moving while ironsighted.

I can't recall a single time I was one-shot by a shotgun with the exception of being AFK.

Even then they have to legitimately barrel stuff the end of their shotgun into my face.

The shotguns in this server are so non-lethal that I feel safer standing right next to someone holding a shotgun over someone holding a Famas.

My major concern with shotguns in TTT was always their effective range, basically ever other server is just shotgun scrubs always firing from any distance and letting their poor aim, multiple projectiles, infinite range, and spamming at anything that moves get them easy kills

The shotguns' one amazing use should be close combat, it just really sucks at that right now.

Them one hit killing is the embodiment of cancer and I will probably refuse to play ever again if they did.

Just remove shotguns then they can't be useless.

I think you misunderstand. I'm not asking for ohk body shots. I'm talking about more consistent ohk headshots which are far too hard with the current shotguns. If you hit more then 3-4 out of 8 pellets on the head point blank they need to die.

I own a Demonic shotgun with 24.4 damage, but it still does shitty damage, it is impossible to level, and will probably be useless even when it is +10, for it is way to weak... Shotguns need a buff, maybe not a large one, but a buff... Also, Shotguns get so many shitboxes, its not even funny...

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