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Devestator159's Unban Request

Steam Name (Current): Devestator159 CSGOEgg.com

Steam Name (During incident): Devestator159 CSGOEgg.com

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48282242

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Devestator159/

Name of staff you were banned by: y0Nemo (I think, wasn't there when the ban happened)

Length of the ban: 7 Days

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed if possible, but shortened would be fine.

Reason for ban: Shooting my friends in the feet to get the phoenix proc. and the biggest reason was: someone bet me 19 coins that I wouldn't blow someone up that I had placed a sticky bomb on and I did and he got very upset I told him id slay he didn't respond so I left my computer to go do some things and came back to a 1 week ban.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: yes

Additional details: I must of gotten a bit carried away with my fun and I apologize for doing so.

It's only a week, enjoy your solace from this hive of scum and villany.

I think he should be unbanned, i mean we all make mistakes, and this one wasn't too bad. Just a mistake, then fun, but overall, i think he is a great dude on frg and he should be unbanned, or be revoked to 1 or 2 more days. The guy didnt even say he wanted him slayed...

+1, Hope you get unbanned/ban revoked. Much love bro.

You were banned for a week for trolling/rdming

You were already on thin ice for karma baiting with the demon bow, and this was your final straw. You should be thankful it was only a week.

Ban upheld, you can wait this one out.

Exactly what Tobi said, you were already on your last straw. A week is fine.

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