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Melon's member app

Age: 17

Steam Name(Current): Melons

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 95 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: from ntg and wogs.

Have you ever been banned and why?: never

Why do you want to join?: i have played for a very long time and i would love to be a member.

Referred by: Unpoke

Additional Details: love the community Smile

Even though he has a lack of info on his app, I will +1 because he is nice, rarely ever RDMs and he is also very active.

You have a pretty dry app. Other than that you seem pretty cool. You have played a lot recently and I can tell you wont cause many problems. +1

i havent seen you on alot but your definatly starting to play more and your a very enjoyable person to play with +1

fun to play with and is cool +1

More feedback anyone?

Denied. Due to lack of feedback.

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