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FührerAZ - unban request

Steam Name (Current): FührerAZ

Steam Name (During incident): FührerAZ

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52339144

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198

Name of staff you were banned by:  [Ice Mage]Mini Cosmic

Length of the ban: 1 week

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed

Reason for ban: said the N word

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: yes

Additional details: I wasn't using the term in a racial context as I am by law, African American. The only reason such a thing could be thought of is if you strongly believe in text book definitions, even then that isn't the true meaning of the word. The word originated as meaning "Ignorance" The only reason the word was associated with the Africans was because the Europeans at the time thought Africans were ignorant. If you think it is racist still, the Europeans at the time would've called more than just Africans the word as they thought they were the smartest race in the world. This means Asians and Native Americans would've been called the word as well.

It's a pretty obvious rule and you don't get to bypass it just because you don't think you're using it in a wrong way. Don't say it. Period. -1

Unfortunately, the society we live in today often uses that as a derogatory word. This is why we do not allow it period on the server because it is offensive to some and considered racist. Even though you're "African American" the same rules apply. You aren't special just because of race. It specifically states no racism and you being a person of age know that it is considered racist to say that. I have multiple reports from people saying that you say it a lot when no staff is on as well.

Well, I mean, if you think about it

1) Its just a week! We've perma-banned for that!
2) Its a pretty obvious rule as our glorious EmperorWhale stated before me
3) Your post isn't an apology, its an excuse, and nobody needs those.

Gonna go ahead and close this. This ban could have been extended but I decided to leave it for 1 week. Kinda like a warning. Serve out this sentence and then we'll see you in a week.

-Closed and Ban Upheld

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