07-06-2016, 12:05 AM
This is Fuzzy's Idea, he said I posted it.( well forging keys into keys, the rest is me)
Ok so what it is, that you take 10 regular Tiered Keys then trade them back to The key forger( I forgot her name Cyrene i believe it is) and when you trade the keys in you get 1 Super/Grand Key, Upon using this one the chest, you can roll an Item of tier of the keys that where crafted or and item quality above that of it. Another way this could be is that when you craft the Super/Grand Key you have to head into TTT make sure its in your inv and get a certain amount of tasked kills done with certain item, Kill a T with a Secondary Weapon ,etc, then make it so you have a to do 10 of these tasks then go back the Key Smith and Finish the key and use it, When using it the Item can instead of it being a regular weapon, it can be a suffixed weapon, this would be a neat way to get weps, and maybe there could be an achievement that go along with it, but overall this is what I (Partially Fuzzy) Suggest, Thanks for reading
Ok so what it is, that you take 10 regular Tiered Keys then trade them back to The key forger( I forgot her name Cyrene i believe it is) and when you trade the keys in you get 1 Super/Grand Key, Upon using this one the chest, you can roll an Item of tier of the keys that where crafted or and item quality above that of it. Another way this could be is that when you craft the Super/Grand Key you have to head into TTT make sure its in your inv and get a certain amount of tasked kills done with certain item, Kill a T with a Secondary Weapon ,etc, then make it so you have a to do 10 of these tasks then go back the Key Smith and Finish the key and use it, When using it the Item can instead of it being a regular weapon, it can be a suffixed weapon, this would be a neat way to get weps, and maybe there could be an achievement that go along with it, but overall this is what I (Partially Fuzzy) Suggest, Thanks for reading