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Poll: Deathbringer
It's strong enough as it is.
It needs a bit of a buff.
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Okay, so, a lot of people will probably complain about me making this, but im making it anyways.
I think the deathbringer could be changed for the better a bit.

Firstly, is its suffix. While I love the suffix and it's a lot of fun, if you headshot someone and the suffix procs, the ball will still not kill them. If it could be changed so that a headshot with a proc'd suffix could kill someone, that would help.

Second, the noscope accuracy.
I find that my terranable rifle is better than the deathbringer just because of this.
If i attempt to noscope someone with my deathbringer, the bullet tends to go anywhere but at who i'm aiming at.
If anything, possibly keep the red circle how it is so that you kind've have to predict on where you will shoot, but make it more accurate when not using the scope.

Thirdly, which would just be a cool feature, make it so the melee form can proc the suffix.
Maybe make the melee do less damage as a counter, but it would make it a viable melee to use. Just a thought.

The deathbringer is surprisingly "weak" (for a lack of a better word) for a godlike, so maybe a few changes to make it more viable?
When a dragon round begins.



DeathBringer suffix is very neat but i feel the balls should be buffed especially since head shot procs dont 1 hit so here is a little suggestion on top of fancy's. So the balls would be buffed but evertime they get broken up they would lose dmg so the smaller and more the balls the less dmg is dealt

I agree I think its not that great
you can outrun the deathball if you dont shoot it into smaller pieces, the noscope accuracy is pretty bad unless you're really close, the headshot proc not killing isn't how it should be, and I guess the melee proc could be a good addition

(07-18-2016, 01:19 AM)Terran Wrote:  1 IN 3 CHANCE TO INSTA KILL

1 IN 3 CHANCE TO SPAWN AN INCONVENIENCE AT BEST, also its the only suffix you can completely counter to my knowledge.

(07-18-2016, 01:25 AM)D3F4ULT Wrote:  DeathBringer suffix is very neat but i feel the balls should be buffed especially since head shot procs dont 1 hit so here is a little suggestion on top of fancy's. So the balls would be buffed but evertime they get broken up they would lose dmg so the smaller and more the balls the less dmg is dealt

what in the world are you talking about?

they already lose damage as they get broken up, but they gain speed on top of that.

Directly from the change log:

Brassx Wrote:•Redesigned the Deathbringer suffix completely. It now shoots the 'death ball' which tracks down the target. It starts off big and rather slow, the target can shoot this deathball to counter act it, however, it will break into smaller, faster moving pieces, that deal a bit less damage(and also take less damage to break). It can do this 2 times, so if you break all of them there will be a total of 9 speedy deathballs chasing you down. However, you can destroy each of them and take no damage from them at all if you're fast enough

For fucks sake this thing has been changed like 5 times already. Stop tinkering with it

ONLY CHANGE IS THE SENSITIVITY besides that its fine to me its proc chance is very high and it has a high dmg and the cross hair could use a change

If the deathbringer seriously does 10 damage on headshots when it proc's then that is seriously in need of a change.

At that point the suffix really works against you and you'd be better off without it.

I wasn't here when the deathbringer was originally nerfed so I'm not going to comment on the scope or crosshairs.

I think if you have the deathbringer in melee form if you swing at someone regardless of the distance you should have a chance to spawn the smallest orb that chases them around.

yeah, it's pretty bad, i'd say basically any of the enhancable rifles are better then it at the moment. The noscoping is bad, the sensitivity when zoomed is bad, the suffix is bad, its all pretty bad imo.

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