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Poll: Should there be a Fix command for this?
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Event Orb fix suggestion

So Niceshot, CreeperHugger, DoctorRat and I were doing a 4 man event run when this happend.


The orb went through the wall and it wouldn't respawn since it was on a flat surface and wasn't falling out of the map where it would respawn, A way we could fix this is by doing a Event server command(say like /orb) where in case the orb got lost or bugged it could be respawned resulting in a vote, the reason for a vote is so that no one would type it mid pillar boss fight and make it go back to spawn, so it would require a max of 3 votes for it to respawn. I think this would be a great way in case any more events like this could happen.
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


blame dreadark

- That Thrakos Noob

(07-21-2016, 03:36 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  blame dreadark

WAAAAAAAAAT. nooo of course not. not me.

There is actually a command that can be used in the event that I kept secret to respawn the orb once a map as long as no enemies/bosses exist.

I suppose it may be time to disclose it. I usually just run it for people if the orb doesn't respawn after a few minutes.

I'll probably revamp it to make it so only the party leader can use the command before I disclose it here.

Console command is: br_hporb_reset it can only be used by the party leader and when there are 0 enemies/bosses.

I half expected you to say that the command was "drop_to".
But that's pretty cool, thanks pal.

(07-21-2016, 04:21 AM)Dreaddork Wrote:  
(07-21-2016, 03:36 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  blame dreadark

WAAAAAAAAAT. nooo of course not. not me.

KOS unpoke for false claims

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