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Another Railgun Idea

So I just got bored but so I thought of a idea for the Railgun so kinda like the Deathbringer and Megladon Rifle the Railgun would have a alternate form which would be a shotgun form.
When in the shotgun form depending on how long you charge the shot the more dmg and range it has and the less you charge it the dmg is lowered and so is the range but shotgun form would make the charge slower and require more time to do higher dmg shots also the explosive proc would have lower percentagee of going off

From what I could barely read out of that. You are asking for a shotgun that can be charged to be more accurate and more damaging. Also godlikes should be unique and not direct copy each others suffixes. *Cough* tart and ascultone *(cough*

That sounds like an infuriating weapon to use with how brassx handles movement and shotgun spread.
Also frg shotguns are really really bad so I mean there's also that.

Shotguns are stupid and the vanilla TTT ones are so brokenly overpowered that it isn't funny. They're still one-hit kill up-close death machines on FRG; feel free to laugh chaotically as you use a Heroic Shotgun and do 110 damage on body shots to people. Plus, they have REALLY good suffix and trait chances, so that adds a lot of balance to them. They're one of the ultimate close-range weapons, similar to the Mac10 or, to a lesser extent, the SG. They're not really bad. They're not even bad at all. I can't use shotguns for shit yet I've had plenty of good uses with them.

Also, Tarra, since you have so much free time, feel free to exercise your better ideas and tell us what kinds of cool suffixes the Tartarus/Ascultone/etc should have! Suggestions are important!

But, to the main post and arguably far more important one (Default's), the Railgun isn't rare enough as it is to warrant anything extra-special. It already has a unique firing mechanism and really cool look, plus utilities beyond what you'd realize. It'd be more interesting to have an M16 or Rifle that transforms into a Shotgun or something.

(07-24-2016, 07:43 AM)Terran Wrote:  Shotguns are stupid and the vanilla TTT ones are so brokenly overpowered that it isn't funny. They're still one-hit kill up-close death machines on FRG; feel free to laugh chaotically as you use a Heroic Shotgun and do 110 damage on body shots to people. Plus, they have REALLY good suffix and trait chances, so that adds a lot of balance to them. They're one of the ultimate close-range weapons, similar to the Mac10 or, to a lesser extent, the SG. They're not really bad. They're not even bad at all. I can't use shotguns for shit yet I've had plenty of good uses with them.

Also, Tarra, since you have so much free time, feel free to exercise your better ideas and tell us what kinds of cool suffixes the Tartarus/Ascultone/etc should have! Suggestions are important!

But, to the main post and arguably far more important one (Default's), the Railgun isn't rare enough as it is to warrant anything extra-special. It already has a unique firing mechanism and really cool look, plus utilities beyond what you'd realize. It'd be more interesting to have an M16 or Rifle that transforms into a Shotgun or something.

They are weaker than all the other guns, because they aren't consistent. You have to be practically inside the person, not moving fast enough to trigger the weird extra spread and then hit all pellets (assuming body shot as you said). I wouldn't even try to go with headshots with the frg shotgun, because of how the spread works once you reach a certain movement speed. And for those reasons I feel like It's a safer bet to be close range with a rifle than a shotgun.

Secondly I'm not complaining about some guns sharing the same suffix. But if half the godlikes have the same suffix is it really unique?

You made good points with it not being a railgun per see though.

Absolutely not true, you can deal damage at a close range without issue. Each pellet is individually counted, so the chances to hit are extremely high. The reason that they don't support moving fast is because they're too cheap of a weapon when running at maximum speed; people were complaining about the Swift shotguns. You don't have to aim at the head to kill; 10-15%+ damage will easily slaughter someone via a body-shot. It takes a certain skill to use it. When NTG changed Benellis to fire slugs, people said they were worthless, too, until they realized how incorrect they were. You people will always complain when encountering something that isn't to your norm; its to be expected, and I would -RATHER- have it so that ALL weapons had sway and extra spread, because it'd make the game more skill based. (On that point I think that the aforementioned Mac10's should definitely have the same downside as the Shotgun, simply due to their killing speed. Galil's and SG are a safe possibility, too.) The point about a shotgun is that you needn't aim; just shoot in their general direction and you WILL do damage. The spread and sway are less of a problem than other guns, because the pellets burst out compact enough. You obviously haven't played much, and I doubt hat you played much, if at all, before Shotguns were changed moderately. Saying that the shotgun is "weaker than all of the other guns" is both literally untrue and a pretentious lie; whether it was intended to be one or not. You even ignored my point of how good the chances for Traits and Suffixes are for shotguns. If shotguns were once again how you'd like them, all people have to do is run up and fire the eight pellets with laser accuracy into someone to instantly kill them, plus having an -amazing- suffix/trait chance.

I fully expect you to continue to argue your point, but I'll tell you that your complaints are poorly placed. If you really want to have Shotguns changed around, make a thread on it and pot your suggestions, don't just say "make accurate". Though feel free to reply with whatever you wish, I view myself as having seniority and more experience than you; thus I value my opinion much higher.

Your points on the suffixes being the same are completely moot, because the Tartartus shoots a high-powered Laser, and the Ascultone a great explosive ball. The end result is an explosion, and I agree that it'd be kinda neat to have the Tartarus do it a bit different (Say, the beam just does extra damage but has 100% accuracy and instantly kills upon head-shot), but they're still significantly different. The Railgun shoots a massive beam, and the Thrakos triggers lightning to strike. The Deathbringer summons a moving orb to hunt the player down, the Megalodon Rifle summons phantom sharks to rush through people. There's a significant variety there.

@Default: I forgot to mention that I too wanted a railgun "buff/change", but considering how bloody many there are, your suggestion/others would be nice for a new Godlike, or a Primordial, or a Celestial, or something interesting like that. I still like it! Imagine your laser-shotgun idea, but it always comes with a -very- high Phoenix chance and look at feet, but lower damage? It'd shoot rapidly and cause those annoying effects to proc continuously, but not be the absolute shredding power that a Shotgun is.

wat if theres a mode that works like symmetras gun tho amirite like the left click version

- That Thrakos Noob

I have an idea, we keep the godlikes how they are. tada.

This idea would be best suited to a new item entirely.
FRG's shotgun only adds a bit of spread to it if you're moving close to or above the default max speed, and the spread is pretty minor unless you have a shotgun that has high mobility.

Default move speed is 220. Swift move speed is ~270
PHP Code:
local sp self.Owner:GetVelocity():Length();
   if (
sp 210)
if (!self.baseCone)
.baseCone self.Primary.Cone;
        local per 
math.Clamp(/ (260 210) * (sp 210), 01.5);
self.Primary.Cone self.baseCone + (self.baseCone) * per;
        if (
.Primary.Cone self.baseCone;

So only when you get to the velocity 260 will the spread be as bad as it can be. If you're just running default speed the spread isn't unmanageable.

Secondly, The Tart's beam is basically instant, the Ascultones beam is slower, moving in a ~~ shape. The only thing they have in common is them being beams, thus creating an explosion on contact. They are quite a bit different though, and coded WAAY different. It's like comparing coke and pepsi. They are both soft drinks, but quite a bit different, and in no way a carbon copy of each other.

We have a lot more godlikes that do more unique things. Some that haven't even been found yet. Keep in mind though: The Ascultone/Tart were some of the first godlikes ever made, well before anyone had an idea on what the standards for godlikes would become.

Brassx Wrote:Some that haven't even been found yet

wait what. i thought we've dropped every godlike.

does the queen worm have a custom godlike?

(07-24-2016, 04:38 PM)⌠ƒ€ѦГ⌡tobiasxz - back sept 1st. Wrote:  
Brassx Wrote:Some that haven't even been found yet

wait what. i thought we've dropped every godlike.

does the queen worm have a custom godlike?

King of Worms is here!
Umpty Dumpty

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