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Item Ideas, Vol. 1

Prime Primer
"Primed and ready."
- Passive Item
- Does 20% extra damage on every shot that is a prime number. (e.g. shots 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, etc.)
- does 5% less damage on every shot that is not a prime number.

"Hive mind."
- Passive Item
- When user is killed, the killer takes 20 damage if they are in 10 meters range of the victim
- 5% less mobility
- "Aggressive": every minute, user takes 0-3 damage, based on RNG.

Sparkly Diamond
"Ooh! Shiny."
- Passive Item
- On death, user drops flashbangs all around them. [1-3 based on RNG.]
- "Corrosive-Resistant" User takes 5% less damage from damage over time.

Rotten Apple
- Passive Item
- On death, user has a chance to spawn a Headcrab or a Zombie. [Headcrab has a 30% chance, Zombie has a 10% chance.]
- On taking over 20 damage in one hit, user bleeds for an extra 10 damage.
- When user has less than 30 health, run speed is increased by 10%.

"Delicious Mango"
"Actually, that's an ammo crate. I don't care!"
- Passive Item.
- On ammo pickup, user has a 20% chance to restore 10-20 health, based on RNG.
- Can only be used three times.
- 1 in 10 chance that the Mango is moldy, and will damage the user for five health instead.

Mystical Egg
"It doesn't hatch. Stop sitting on it."
- Passive Item
- As a Traitor, has a 10% chance to turn corpses into chickens, which are unidentifiable.
- As an Innocent, has a 10% chance to drop a box of random ammo type on a corpse when killed.
- As a Detective, every kill has a 50% chance to immediately identify the body.

And last, but certainly not least...

Party Hat
"Who's ready to PAR-TAY!? Over your dead corpse."
- Passive Item
- As an Innocent, on death, gives a festive cheer and also calls a Detective to your corpse immediately.
- As a Traitor, on Detective kill, awards one bonus credit.
- As a Detective, a Traitor kill awards one bonus credit.



I don't like TTT being really RNG central. This would fit better for a different game mode, in all honesty. Suffixes and traits already add enough variety.

I feel like the only RNG necessary item is the Rotten Apple so the rest can be stat-locked.

First one : OP

Second one : basically allows someone to win a fight after losing it which is dumb

Third one : This isn't COD, why would TTT need a flashbang. That would be such a nuisance to other players

Fourth one : Lets spawn a crab that will randomly attack people after I die for any reason! No.

Fifth one : Drop ammo from gun and pickup? Ammo is usually everywhere, plus there is a healing orb now.

Sixth one : Innocent part is basically useless since there's like 5 or 6 different ammo types. Assuming you even get lucky enough to get the 10% drop you then have to get lucky on a 20% or less chance again. Just go find some ammo on the map, much quicker.

Seventh one : meh

(07-25-2016, 11:22 PM)EmperorWhale Wrote:  First one : OP

Second one : basically allows someone to win a fight after losing it which is dumb

Third one : This isn't COD, why would TTT need a flashbang. That would be such a nuisance to other players

Fourth one : Lets spawn a crab that will randomly attack people after I die for any reason! No.

Fifth one : Drop ammo from gun and pickup? Ammo is usually everywhere, plus there is a healing orb now.

Sixth one : Innocent part is basically useless since there's like 5 or 6 different ammo types. Assuming you even get lucky enough to get the 10% drop you then have to get lucky on a 20% or less chance again. Just go find some ammo on the map, much quicker.

Seventh one : meh
With the Prime Primer, I see your point. on high-ammo weapony it would be a little OP. Maybe ever second prime number? that would lessen it's effectiveness for larger clip weapons.

The RNG comes from the bullshit of having an Innocent that you kill and stash be auto-ID'd and a det called to it. That's not what TTT is about. TTT is about the Traitors using stealth, guile and wits to take advantage of the game's natural mechanics, and eliminate the Detectives/Innocents. Throwing stuff like this in just removes the core of TTT. Even with an inventory system, we still ARE a TTT server. Spawning random headcrabs or zombies? That'd just be silly, it would honestly ruin the game for me. Getting dealt extra damage because you stab someone in the back, or shoot them in the head? That's just plain unfair. Hiding corpses as "Chickens" when its a valuable part of the game (Finding/hiding bodies) would be awful.

The first one is alright though.

(07-25-2016, 11:27 PM)Terran Wrote:  The RNG comes from the bullshit of having an Innocent that you kill and stash be auto-ID'd and a det called to it. That's not what TTT is about. TTT is about the Traitors using stealth, guile and wits to take advantage of the game's natural mechanics, and eliminate the Detectives/Innocents. Throwing stuff like this in just removes the core of TTT. Even with an inventory system, we still ARE a TTT server. Spawning random headcrabs or zombies? That'd just be silly, it would honestly ruin the game for me. Getting dealt extra damage because you stab someone in the back, or shoot them in the head? That's just plain unfair. Hiding corpses as "Chickens" when its a valuable part of the game (Finding/hiding bodies) would be awful.

The first one is alright though.

To be honest, you have a lot of points. The Prime Primer does seem to be the only one that isn't underpowered or overpowered.

Also, what if we changed the Sparkling Diamond's effect to smoke grenades? "Smoke and Mirrors"

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