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Patchnotes 7/26/2016


Orbital Rounds
  • Orbital Survival Round loot has been buffed, it's now more worthwhile to get first place. Plus the more people on, the better the rewards for the top player. Also the top ~10 get a 100% guaranteed gift package, the rest of the server has a 1 in 3 chance of getting one.
  • First place now has a bonus chance to receive an "Orbital Survival Round" token.
  • These rounds have been made more uncommon(1 in 50).

  • The load animation is now 50% faster
  • You can now hold the secondary attack button down to load/pull back and no longer have to re-click after loading.
  • The arrows velocity is now faster with slightly less drop.
  • You can now shoot arrows faster(with less power).
  • Added detection for when you shoot really close to something, so the arrow doesn't travel through it.
  • The crosshair now slightly fades out when at full pullback power.

Grim's Labyrinth
  • The cooldown is the same as losing (I did this a few days ago).
  • Morgoths chest loot has been buffed a bit.
  • Deathbringer's rarity has been increased slightly again.

Bug Fixes
•The comm jammer no longer allows you to hear T chat(UN TESTED).
•Hopefully fixed the deathball from the deathbringer sometimes dealing 0 damage when it should kill the person.

Thanks again Brass! Angel
Umpty Dumpty

Cool, bow update!

Just wondering, did you figure out why bows aren't one hitting on headshot/body shot?

Oh no bouncy mayhems are more common.

I like the loot changes though, a lot.

Thanks for the much needed changes!

Can confirm the jammer bug seems to be fixed. Placed down a jammer, then said i did so in t voice right next to the D XD

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