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Add more punishable offensive words

i think the rule goes something like your name cant be a word kids cant comfortably say out loud (normal kids, not ones who are deaf like abu's)
so if its like "faggot mcfuckhead" they cant have that name, if its "faggotwhalelord420" that's fine bc you can say whalelord420

as with mic chat, its become such a normal term on the internet and if it starts with censoring that, then it goes down to retard or autist or cancer or whatever other toxic language we've become accustomed to, it's hard enough to keep new internet trolls from saying "n" words

THAT BEING SAID, if someone's constantly harrassing you or another player by calling you inappropriate and offensive names, with the clear intent of attacking you and insulting you, that's punishable in itself

- That Thrakos Noob

Honestly, this needs to stop. Censorship has become such a huge issue this day and age. Everyone gets offended by everything. Kids are basically being wrapped in bubble wrap and being "protected" from the world. Hate to burst your bubble but THIS is reality. I understand not liking the word, I really do (I have a few LGBT friends that hate the word, but don't let it bother them.) Seriously there is no reason to get hung up on a thing like this. Ever hear sticks and stones? Words cant do shit to you. Move on with your life, accept yourself for who you are and you will enjoy life a lot more no matter what anyone says. This bullshit of people getting in trouble for words is ridiculous. People need to stop getting offended by literally everything. I am flat out a racist (out of game of course) but I accept everyone no matter who they are, and hell I've even had conversations with people (of completely different races) and they were as racist as I was! And guess what, we laughed and had a fun conversation and went on with our lives. Learn to accept that this world is not nice, doesnt matter who the hell you are. By bringing up something offends you makes you more of a target because now people know that that word or thing can hurt you because you allowed it to. Bullying exists, stand up for yourself or laugh it off and have fun. This community is young, dont let some fuckhead get you all worked up and cause you to stress out. This is the internet, this is a cesspool, this place can only hurt you if you let it. Say what you want, be who you are, find someone in life, move on. Trust me, it's better this way.

Midgets, you're beautiful.

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