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Suggestions for my PC?

So my laptop is finally giving out and I'm looking at building my first rig.

Budget: Under 725$ (Including keyboard and monitor)


Any suggestions? I can't get a bigger monitor due to how much room I have and the keyboard got good reviews for being moderately cheap.

You're literally wasting that money on the keyboard just buy a normal dell one, there is no point in buying some shitty keyboard that does the same things but looks cooler or some shit.

That HDD will probably be slow as shit. SSD's aren't that crazy expensive anymore, you should look into one. Also, get more than 430 watts, seriously. At least have a minimum of 600. Keyboard is a meme, personally I'd say either drop $100+ on a great mechanical, or, as Bradley said, just get a fucking $5 one, they're everywhere in walmarts and shit. Also, you're LITERALLY paying $100 for Windows 10. Windows 7 is the easiest shit to pirate, just get DAZloader, I've used a pirated OS on my build for 3+ years now.

If I recall, your GPU choice will totally shit for memory, plus I find a lot of games demand loads of Vram for some kind of bullshit reason, but you should be fine. But you really want at least 500 watts bare minimum, man. Never cheap out on the PSU. A great PSU and a good mobo means you can just keep on upgrading that girl.

Also that case is a meme.

Also also, where the fuck is your cooling? Unless that shitty case has something built in, I'd suggest a Hyper 212 EVO if you're going cheap.

I'm no expert but these are my opinions.

Short version:

+Ditch the fucking $100 Windows bullshit. 10 is total cancer. Hell, even if its temporarily, install Ubuntu or something. You're saving cash and using a better OS.
+Get a better PSU
+COOLING SYSTEM? Two shitty mounted fans is probably not going to cut it. A decent cooling system is like, $30.
+GPU is...Okay, but, I mean, like, damn dude, you could get something way better. That shit is archaic in comparison to better cards.
+/-That HDD will be slow and ugly. I think a 10,000 RPM shouldn't be much more, at the very least.

(08-27-2016, 08:35 AM)Terran Wrote:  That HDD will probably be slow as shit. SSD's aren't that crazy expensive anymore, you should look into one. Also, get more than 430 watts, seriously. At least have a minimum of 600. Keyboard is a meme, personally I'd say either drop $100+ on a great mechanical, or, as Bradley said, just get a fucking $5 one, they're everywhere in walmarts and shit. Also, you're LITERALLY paying $100 for Windows 10. Windows 7 is the easiest shit to pirate, just get DAZloader, I've used a pirated OS on my build for 3+ years now.

If I recall, your GPU choice will totally shit for memory, plus I find a lot of games demand loads of Vram for some kind of bullshit reason, but you should be fine. But you really want at least 500 watts bare minimum, man. Never cheap out on the PSU. A great PSU and a good mobo means you can just keep on upgrading that girl.

Also that case is a meme.

Also also, where the fuck is your cooling? Unless that shitty case has something built in, I'd suggest a Hyper 212 EVO if you're going cheap.

I'm no expert but these are my opinions.

Short version:

-Ditch the fucking $100 Windows
-Get a better PSU
-GPU is...Okay, but, I mean, like, damn dude, you could get something way better. That shit is archaic in comparison to better cards.

He is currently at his limit of what he can pay for it, I've already talked to him about getting an ssd later, more ram, better cooler, better gpu (probably an rx 480), could probably use a better PSU but for his price range, he can't really upgrade anything at all.

I mean sure, he could torrent Windows but what if he doesn't want to? It is his money, and everyone is entitled to do what they want with it. Hell I paid for Windows.

(08-27-2016, 08:40 AM)Eclipse Wrote:  He is currently at his limit of what he can pay for it, I've already talked to him about getting an ssd later, more ram, better cooler, better gpu (probably an rx 480), could probably use a better PSU but for his price range, he can't really upgrade anything at all.

I mean sure, he could torrent Windows but what if he doesn't want to? It is his money, and everyone is entitled to do what they want with it. Hell I paid for Windows.

All I gave was my opinion and suggestions which he asked for. No reason to sperghlord out there, my mémér.

gtx titan x
i7 6900k
1500w power supply

First off a cpu that weak is gonna hurt you far more than you think it will. Fuck the keyboard like the other 2 have said. Get a 250 gig ssd for 70 bucks. Honestly you really shouldn't be buying windows 10 like these other 2 have said. Get an r8 460 instead of the 360 it's only like $30 more.

And for real get a better cpu than the one you put down I can't stress that enough.

Also I would throw in another 80 bucks in the monitor to get a 144 hrtz/1ms. It's worth doing that as a future proof it your planning on upgrading to a 480 later since it handles 1080 at highish framerate well.

And possibly get this thing and install windows on it and the rest of the shit on that drive if you don't want to go with the more expensive thing.

You'll thank me later when you aren't dealing with a long ass boot up time.

I'd Swap video card out with a better, fairly cheap one(albeit I didn't look at the specs of your selected card, but having dealt with AMD AND NVIDIA cards, I can say I feel nvidia is the way to go in the end, plus shadowplay is great. AMD's 'shadowplay' knockoff is shit). I'd say GTX 750ti SC, it's overclocked out of the factory. That works just fine in my experiences.

Corsair CX600 PSU (600W) (or any other 600w one)

Swap keyboard out for a cheap 5-10 dollar one then buy a better gaming one at a later date. PC performance > keyboard when on budget. The case comes with two fans which should be fine for a rig like that. Mine only has two fans and I leave it on 24/7 for months at a time. My temps are just fine. Just clean it out every now and again because built up dust will increase your temps(and risk of fire).

You can always upgrade later when you have some more money to spend too. The HDD will be fine for you, since this is your first gaming PC, I doubt boot times mean anything to you at all, in fact I bet its boot time is going to be fast as shit for you compared to your laptop haha. It will do you just fine, and should last you quite a bit. You can always just add the SSD later on.

Upgrade CPU at later date when you can afford to.

I have a 2001 dell mouse with a 250 dollar laptop and I'm fine
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

buy on 1080 and just stare at it cus you cant afford anything else

- That Thrakos Noob

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