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Mougwi - Membership Application

Age: 27

Steam Name(Current): Mougwi

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Mougwi's play time is 75 Hours 20 Minutes 8 Seconds

Where did you hear about this server?: I'm from NTG

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: Big fan of the drop system, and it seems the older crowd moved to FRG, Much better place to spend my time.

Referred by: McNuggie

Additional Details: This server is great and it would be an HONOR to be member here!!! =D

+1, he is a good guy and is active as hell. He is mature, and knows what he's talking about


+ 1 Very good about rules

Chill and fun to play with, never seen him break rule

i find you overly aggressive at times towards people. ill say -0 for now.

edit: after playing with you more i find you enjoyable to play with. +1

+1, easy.

-1 RDMed me multiple times, been rude and cocky after doing so.

Can be agressive, but mostly he's a fun & nice player.

+1 He is funny and isn't annoying

Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 +1

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