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Poll: Change the rarities?
Yes, this is literally unplayable and we need this NOW
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Change crate rarities

I suggested this a long time ago (around unboxing #1) that crates be changed to reflect their expense.
So as Item crate I's are common, Item crate II's are uncommon, and seraph/leviathan are legendary(and enhanced are primordial but those don't exist anymore so who cares).

Please change tidals to unlikely and crescents to be rare. Both are currently uncommon and that just doesn't work for me.

I think it's a small change and it's a necessary quality of life thing.

ok thanks

(09-25-2016, 09:29 AM)Kuro Wrote:  it's a necessary quality of life thing.

It's not necessary at all. Triggered.

Would be nice for them to be changed, but that just really triggers me.

That would in turn change how common/uncommon those crates would be from drops. Those specific rarities reflect their drop rates for the ones that CAN drop.

(09-25-2016, 10:22 AM)Brassx Wrote:  That would in turn change how common/uncommon those crates would be from drops. Those specific rarities reflect their drop rates for the ones that CAN drop.

Assuming you mean physical end round drops I don't think I've ever seen a tidal crate actually drop, but that is besides the point.

Why do we have crates drop in the first place? There doesn't seem to be any specific reason for it.

Could you replace crate drops with a coin drop of nearly the same value? If people would have rolled the crate they'd likely just buy one from the shop.
Pretty sure more people would just prefer the coins seeing as they could decide what they opened.

(09-25-2016, 10:39 AM)Kuro Wrote:  
(09-25-2016, 10:22 AM)Brassx Wrote:  That would in turn change how common/uncommon those crates would be from drops. Those specific rarities reflect their drop rates for the ones that CAN drop.

Assuming you mean physical end round drops I don't think I've ever seen a tidal crate actually drop, but that is besides the point.

Why do we have crates drop in the first place? There doesn't seem to be any specific reason for it.

Could you replace crate drops with a coin drop of nearly the same value? If people would have rolled the crate they'd likely just buy one from the shop.
Pretty sure more people would just prefer the coins seeing as they could decide what they opened.

The point of crate drops is crates that you do not have to spend any coins on. Getting a coin drop and spending those coins on a crate and not getting what you spent on it feels worse than just getting a free crate and 'yoloing' it, plus they can choose to just sell it to a player if they just want coins. Simple as that. Having just coins is eh, and would be a pain in the butt to do. With crates dropping, someone might open a crate they normally wouldn't buy and possibly get something cool as well.

I really see no reason to remove crates from the drop table whatsoever. Honestly ,Your point gives all the more reason to keep them anyways. (completely unneeded effort since in your point, people would just buy them anyways, then why not just keep them there? No reason to go through the effort to remove all crates from the drop tables, replacing them with coins, just to have them probably buy the crate anyways)

Okay, final attempt

Instead of all of that, keep the uncommon ones as they are as drops and instead make the ones you purchase from the store ones that have the values to make them the respective rarity. You could even make the droppable ones have the same roll as their buyable counterparts and name them something different

Seems like more effort, but there are things such as vip deal crates and donator crates.

I honestly just want them to follow the same trend as the other crates do. If not then whats the point of undroppable crates having rarities to begin with?

(09-25-2016, 11:14 AM)Kuro Wrote:  Okay, final attempt

Instead of all of that, keep the uncommon ones as they are as drops and instead make the ones you purchase from the store ones that have the values to make them the respective rarity. You could even make the droppable ones have the same roll as their buyable counterparts and name them something different

Seems like more effort, but there are things such as vip deal crates and donator crates.

I honestly just want them to follow the same trend as the other crates do. If not then whats the point of crate rarities to begin with?

He just told you the point of the crate rarities, they effect how often they drop, lma000000.

And the crates aren't undroppable, minigame rounds exist.

when kuro is arguing about what COLOR THE BACKGROUND OF A CRATE SHOULD BE

(09-25-2016, 01:11 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  when kuro is arguing about what COLOR THE BACKGROUND OF A CRATE SHOULD BE

Wasn't arguing, he declined the one way, but the entire suggestion wasn't axed.

So I took that as, keep suggesting different ways and it might happen and hopefully find a reasonable one.

It was honestly more a discussion than "arguing" but depends on your definition

(09-25-2016, 11:26 AM)Bradley Wrote:  He just told you the point of the crate rarities, they effect how often they drop, lma000000.

And the crates aren't undroppable, minigame rounds exist.

Meant to say "then what is the point of having undroppable crates have a set rarity anyway?"

The logic is, if these have a rarity attributed to their worth as a crate then why don't other ones have it too?

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