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Unboxing 2.5+ and other news

I've jumped the gun on this already, I was convinced to do an early unboxing on the day when everyone was dropping godlikes.
In this unboxing 240+ cases were opened 30 of which were bone crates, go figure.

Seeing as this unboxing happened at the start of level 71 and I had originally planned to do some kind of one at 75, I've decided to do one small unboxing every level which will stop at Unboxing 2.9, on level 75. I hope you see where this is going.

Since these openings are much smaller and more frequent I won't really do anything besides open them. I will like always give out any godlikes I can manage to roll.

I'll be streaming my unboxings on twitch, afterwards I will transfer it over to youtube and just keep it there for memories I guess.

I'll use this thread to post when I'm doing the unboxings and to archive the ones I have done.

Unboxing 2.5:
(crates opened starting at 7:15)

(11-18-2016, 08:02 AM)Kuro Wrote:  I will like always give out any godlikes I can manage to roll.


jk gl dont h8 me

- That Thrakos Noob

Hey maybe if I was a bit more greedy I'd get luckier

Oh well, this next unboxing is in an hour from this post.

I feel like it's much smaller than the other ones because of a random tier 2 exp boost.

I may save all of my gift packages so that doesn't happen anymore

it's ok kuro, you'll never unbox a godlike, but...


So unboxing 2.6 was kind of a dud, I opened around 120 cases but I had an awful connection the entire time so I had to switch over to recording with shadowplay halfway through because my stream kept going down. I'll see what I can do with my footage, but I'm afraid I might have lost a lot of it. I'll upload it soon.

From my crates I got enough accessories to make a rune which just so happened to be a rune of experience. I gave the rune to Nield which got him to level 100, congrats Nield!

I'm going to save all of my gift packages from now on to 75 and open them for unboxing 2.9 just to let my other ones sort of bulk up normally. EXP boosts make me level up too fast to get anything saved up.

I'll try and announce the next one in advance and not one hour prior. See you there hopefully.


Hitting level 73 in a bit.

I'll be unboxing in a few hours, probably around 8PM central, going to try to get a survive in beforehand to get more.

I have a very good number of crates to open, I'm really looking forward to this one!

Edit: Just hit level 73!

Unboxing 2.7 will be happening in an hour and 20 minutes

I'll be opening at least 100 Bone Crates, I'm pretty hopeful


(11-26-2016, 12:41 AM)Kuro Wrote:  Unboxing 2.7 will be happening in an hour and 20 minutes

I'll be opening at least 100 Bone Crates, I'm pretty hopeful


inb4 96 bone SGs and no coins and he wont deliver on his promise of 100 bone crates

I forgot to update the thread after the last one, I still have the footage from the other two.

Unboxing 2.8 in 4 hours or so, 7PM central

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