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Less players on then usual

I've noticed something after survive came out, and it's that the amount of players on the TTT servers are diminishing quite obviously. Don't get me wrong, there are still times where the TTT server has a decent amount of players on it... but there are times will I will get on later at night (9ish) and there will be no players on. Literally none, then I will check event server and BOOM! 2 event servers filled with 5 players each, that otherwise would probably be playing TTT. Now I know this is just my opinion, but I really think brass should focus less on making events and focus more on making different mini games while playing TTT, that way people will have an incentive to play TTT more. And if there has to be events, keep them short like no more than 30 minutes, because survive is seriously draining the players from the server it seems. This is open to opinions, I really want to see how other people feel about this.

PS: No hate for survive, think its really fun but just way too time consuming.

What are you trying to accomplish with this post exactly? Some people would rather play survive than TTT. Just because they are playing survive doesnt mean that if they werent they would be on the TTT server instead...

Plus, nobody is forcing you to do survive for 2 hours...you can choose how long you want to do survive for as long as your team agrees.

(12-11-2016, 06:42 AM)tobooasxz Wrote:  What are you trying to accomplish with this post exactly? Some  people would rather play survive than TTT. Just because they are playing survive doesnt mean that if they werent they would be on the TTT server instead...

Plus, nobody is forcing you to do survive for 2 hours...you can choose how long you want to do survive for as long as your team agrees.

I realize what your saying tobias, but I think the main reason people play survive is to get loot. Not because they really "want" to play it. Therefore, if there where better ways to get loot in ttt people would hopefully play it more. Also, I think your team would get mad at your for leaving preemptively.

Economically, the events are much better. The TTT server itself provides small economical benefits (minigames, end round drops, and random giveaways). This leads to many more players doing the event, leading to a drastic decline of players on TTT. Along with these economic advantages, the TTT server does become stale considering it is the same thing every round. To counteract this and bring more players in, I believe Brassx should set his focus on TTT development by providing a larger variety of minigames with more and better drops. This would reduce the stale factor, and would make TTT more profitable.

There is a lot of factors as to why this is.

As mentioned above it is much more profitable to do a survive run than playing TTT. In the same time it takes to do a survive run, playing TTT will get you a couple of standards and maybe 100 coins if you're lucky.

You have to consider that survive is a lot more enjoyable to play currently. TTT gets stale after a while and survive is new and exciting, not only is it fun but you get paid too.

A huge factor is time. Survive runs vary a lot depending on team size and skill, most teams tend to go to wave 24 which can take up to 2 hours in most cases. That's time that could be spent playing TTT.
People like to do survive when it's convenient to them, say maybe once in the morning and once before you go to sleep.

I think the best solution would probably make a way to streamline survive, a lot of things take a long time to do.
The beginning part is incredibly slow, the time between rounds drags on when all you want to do is be able to leave and get started. A lot of time the starter gun is pure garbage which leaves teams meleeing the zombies until round 5 which takes more time.
Most teams considers the staffs as a necessity, so something like getting the staff of osiris, it takes time to find the green orb, it takes a long time to charge the red orb (it's also super tedious), and it takes an extremely long time to charge the blue orb (you can physically feel yourself age). God forbid you want to go for the unknown staff too.

So much of the first hour is purely setup. It only becomes fast paced and enjoyable around wave 14 during fast zombies and afterwards getting overwhelmed by the hoardes.

Well, I've been wanting to branch FRG off into different gamemodes. Not just TTT. TTT gets extremely stale, even with more minigames. The same is true when it comes to developing for it. We are a community, not just primarily a TTT server, as long as players are playing on one of our servers, I'm pretty happy.

But.. It comes to a point where it's simply not much fun anymore, the core gamemode (TTT) often holds me back in terms of what I would like to make too.

I think a good help though would be to simply increase the survive cooldown, possibly make it require a ticket per person who wants to play, rather than changing the entire event to be faster (because it is designed to take time, wave based survivals always do, that's the cost of gaining the loot).

More ways to gain loot on TTT would be fun, and would be needed on top of Survive changes so people don't feel 'forced' to play. I could even redesign quest rewards(and add new ones), what about a crate shop for fragments on the lobby? (keep in mind quests can only be completed on the TTT server)

Perhaps I could port my Challenge Scrolls system too. For those of you that don't know, it's similar to Runescapes Clue Scrolls.

You get this scroll with a challenge on it, it could be a riddle, anagram, locational clue, or a cipher and once you solve it you either get another challenge, or the rewards. These could only be solved on TTT.

The only thing i dont like about challenge scrolls is that people would start posting answers to them, which kind of defeats the point of them being a challenge.

(12-11-2016, 03:01 PM)tobooasxz Wrote:  The only thing i dont like about challenge scrolls is that people would start posting answers to them, which kind of defeats the point of them being a challenge.

Don't look at the answers then, runescapes cluescrolls are fine even though the answers to them are everywhere.

(12-11-2016, 03:51 PM)Bradley Wrote:  
(12-11-2016, 03:01 PM)tobooasxz Wrote:  The only thing i dont like about challenge scrolls is that people would start posting answers to them, which kind of defeats the point of them being a challenge.

Don't look at the answers then, runescapes cluescrolls are fine even though the answers to them are everywhere.

No, the point im making is that people are gonna basically be getting free drops for just looking up the answer on the forums.

Not actually trying to figure it out.

(12-11-2016, 03:58 PM)tobooasxz Wrote:  
(12-11-2016, 03:51 PM)Bradley Wrote:  
(12-11-2016, 03:01 PM)tobooasxz Wrote:  The only thing i dont like about challenge scrolls is that people would start posting answers to them, which kind of defeats the point of them being a challenge.

Don't look at the answers then, runescapes cluescrolls are fine even though the answers to them are everywhere.

No, the point im making is that people are gonna basically be getting free drops for just looking up the answer on the forums.

Not actually trying to figure it out.

Are you telling me people are going to get free stuff from drops?

That's never happened before?????????????????

It's almost like you think the good scrolls are going to have common drop rates. Kappa

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