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New Rifle Idea

So this is like a railgun/rifle/shotgun combo? The tracer is kinda like an overcharged railgun but then a shotgun blast comes out the targets back.

Why don't we just make a rifle version of the last prayer and have the same qualities, the bullets can still ricochet, the spam fire might be kinda derp on a rifle though. Although it with have the same six shots before a reload, I don't think that sounds so bad.

(12-22-2016, 10:03 AM)[GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 Wrote:  Why don't we just make a rifle version of the last prayer and have the same qualities, the bullets can still ricochet, the spam fire might be kinda derp on a rifle though. Although it with have the same six shots before a reload, I don't think that sounds so bad.

Spam fire on a rifle.. Yeah did you play COD? How many people back in MW2 spammed 50 cals like they were a normal assault. The recoil was insanity.

However, You guys say last prayer and rifle.. the only thing for a model i keep picturing in my head is borderlands rifles with the revolver style magazine in it to change out.

Or this.

However i think what he was meaning by the ammo doing a "burst damage" on impact, was like RIP Ammo. does like thisImage
Vanished from life

Personally, im not sure how we got onto the topic of a fast firing rifle with ricochet...

This is a SLOW SHOOTING RIFLE. It's not exactly meant for close quarters without impeccable aim Personally, im not sure how we got onto the topic of a fast firing rifle with ricochet...

This is a SLOW SHOOTING RIFLE. It's not exactly meant for close quarters without impeccable aim ( Wink ), and is demonstrated well with the pumpkin.
It's purpose is to help pick off players in large groups, since that can be difficult for people using rifles. And since being able to penetrate targets, a tracer round (Yes, like the railgun showing where the shooter is) can help make it less OP, but still a good weapon.

Instances of use would be on maps like Crummy Cradle, how people can set up forts in the bar or in the office. With a rifle, being able to shoot and do damage to more than one player at a time for a cost of firerate can be pretty valuable.
When a dragon round begins.


But with that all said, isn't it a lot like a railgun? Slow firerate, but penetrates, can deal damage around the target, and shoots a beam that acts like a tracer round. It would be nice to have a new suffix that introduces weapon penetration at least to rifles, but the rifle that is suggested is much too similar to railgun. And railguns have the super wonky orange beams that instakill which would top the rifle.

This honestly sounds horrible. If I shoot a t in the chest and there is an inno behind them, rip my karma. This weapon seems geared towards traitors as using it as an inno would result in reports and as mentioned above karma loss. And if it really only benefits ts then it might aswell be a t weapon, but we don't need another t rifle. I like Gilded's idea though- a trait that provides bullet penetration would be cool.

Cough Cough Last Prayer
Umpty Dumpty

(12-22-2016, 08:04 PM)A2 (music) Wrote:  This honestly sounds horrible. If I shoot a t in the chest and there is an inno behind them, rip my karma. This weapon seems geared towards traitors as using it as an inno would result in reports and as mentioned above karma loss. And if it really only benefits ts then it might aswell be a t weapon, but we don't need another t rifle. I like Gilded's idea though- a trait that provides bullet penetration would be cool.

why would an inno be standing behind a t? if you are shooting the t then he would have to be called out or u saw him shoot someone, and if u saw him shoot someone, u should call him out, otherwise its the inno's fault for not shooting a kosed t or the inno is meta gaming

It's just the circumstance angry. There is always a chance that there is crossfire or other people shooting the T and if you shoot at him, you have a chance to hit anyone behind the T. It sucks, but it happens. And that problem probably already exists with the railgun being a weapon.

And again, A2, that's why its not a chance to proc like the railgun.
It's a CHARGE, like the frost and inferno.
When a dragon round begins.


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