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McNuggie's Ban Appeal

Stop arguing and just post things relevant to the ban appeal. I don't understand why you guys are arguing over Mr. Lonely's opinion. He gave his input on it and it should've just been left at that.

(01-07-2017, 04:46 AM)❃-Mr. Lonely-❃ Wrote:  
(01-07-2017, 04:43 AM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(01-07-2017, 04:40 AM)❃-Mr. Lonely-❃ Wrote:  
(01-07-2017, 04:36 AM)Eclipse Wrote:  The forgiving community still exists, but it won't exist for nuggie for what he has done. He doesn't deserve to be unbanned for everything he did towards the community when he was demoted.

He harassed the co-owner constantly after he was demoted and banned. He harassed multiple members of the community for their own opinions and took it further when they fought back.

Why should we forgive him for things like that? He never forgave us for anything we did towards him when he was still here.

Like I went over, before. There are moments that build up and hurt people in their personal lives (this whole thing is a prime example) and it just gets to them... Nuggie more than likely went through immense stress and pressure in his life, went to do his thing on FRG, and it just all got out.

My opinion is still the same, be the bigger man/women and just give him that one and final chance

Plus, I have no idea what you mean by him not forgiving you guys... More detail required

wah, wah, im nuggie and im edgy and im depressed and wah wah pls feel bad for me wah wah

no thanks.

im sure there are people here who have been through 100x more than nuggie has been, so you can't really use that as an excuse for his actions. this is a gaming server, not real life. don't use rel life as an excuse for your actions.

he has already been given a final chance multiple times, there is no need for another one.

it's a final chance for a reason.

Tobias, I don't want to be a prick here and all, but... He's human with his own thinking process and attitude towards things and you have literally no idea (Unless you know him personally and forgive me for that) what he went through and how that affected him. His family could've literally got killed or some crazy crap that completely crippled him and left him in a state of constant despair.

If his entire family got killed I feel like he shouldn't be playing a game like this...

You are taking this to a very unneeded extreme.

Tobias, my example isn't what is important...

For the third time, we're only human (I think/hope) and that we don't go through the same experiences and take them the same way... I'm only taking this to what you call an "extreme" because of the sheer fact that none of you guys can at least give him a CHANCE of redemption... Don't bother bringing up the "We already gave him chances" thing because I mean it in the terms of an unban...

No need to argue guys. People can have their own opinions on the matter, although I'd prefer if they were more informed on what exactly happened.

This isn't some minor ban, this is a very serious ban that spread over MULTIPLE accounts. He insulted pretty much everyone here, mocked us, had "Brassx is a shitty person" on his steam profile for the longest time, as well as constantly said FRG is a shitty server. Not to mention the racist comments and general harassment. He fucked up pretty bad.

While I personally don't have any hard feelings and am way past it, I do understand he was troubled, but I can't accept that as an excuse. Yes we are all human, but we also have to be responsible for our actions. It should be pretty clear that the community doesn't want him here anymore(for the time being). He broke their trust, and he hurt them.

Unbanning him right now would only cause more grief for both him and the community. Can you imagine what the server would be like with him unbanned? The drama? It wouldn't be enjoyable for either..

Just look at what happened on a simple ban appeal. It's too early.

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