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Kosing for Killing Innos, Despite RDM

During my time of playing on this server I have found most things to be fun and enjoyable, however, I have a problem with one of the rules. The rule on kosing someone who has killed an innocent is "misunderstood" and or abused. When a T is hit with a prop, or has sustained damage from RDM, they kill the innocent responsible, naturally. Despite the presence of obvious and often intentional RDM, some people will use this rule and procceed to kill the person that was RDM'd. Doing this can cause a massive RDM train if they are innocent, but it also causes people to lose their T rounds, while no slays can be made for it.I have been on the T's side of this situation time and time again, and when I report, it has no weight due to the rule in place, despite it being a kos off of "suspicion" or possible RDM, no one gets slain. I won't mention names of people that abuse this rule, but I do think something should be done. I have seen too many RDM trains and T's getting destroyed for being in the right. You can say this post was made because of saltyness and yes it is true, I am salty over getting RDM's soooo many times, but there are others that will agree with this post and I am seeking support to change this rule. Thanks for reading.

agree... i dont like these rdm trains... if you kill someone for damagin you then others should not kill you for it... I have seen 4 massive rdm trains and they SUCK
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G01dmaster: NO!
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Look at it this way, killing innocents is the job of a traitor. Killing an innocent for any reason (including if they call you out or attack you) will mean you've done something traitorous regardless if it was in self defense or for a rightful reason.

In this scenario if any innocent comes and didn't witness the original reason you killed (they only see you murder an innocent) they are rightfully killing you. Same for anyone who kills them or their killers. I think it would be a terrible idea to punish people who get caught in an RDM train for just playing the game.

In real life if somebody attempts to rob a store if the store owner or somebody acts in self defense and pulls a gun and accidentally kills somebody, the person who robbed the store is charged with attempted robbery and murder.
So I think ideally the person who incites an RDM train should be slain for attempted RDM/ Traitor baiting + any RDMs that they cause.

Also to prevent this it helps if everyone stopped being so damn eager to kill every single person and think before you shoot


I'm not sure the issue. The first Innocent that starts the RDM train should most likely be punished for "attempted RDM". If they randomly attack you and you kill them, that's on them. However, if I would advise being a bit less trigger happy, if they just give a love tap or something maybe chill a bit. While you CAN kill for that, sometimes it's better to just not do that and let it go.

Like Kuro stated, the problem is, other people can't possibly know if they damaged you first(unless they directly saw it). It's your word vs a dead innocent, and the dead innocent will always likely be more compelling. We can't stop them from killing you with any rule, because that could create a loophole for traitors to get away with kills by lying to abuse the rules.

I will say I have killed people who have attacked me, and I just said something like "wtf they just attacked me, why the rdm?" and have not been killed for it.

I understand how upsetting that can be Beach but exactly as kuro said, if I get a report on someone who was killed due to them attacking/killing another inno I ask them to resubmitt the report for the person that started the rdm not who actually killed them for killing an inno as that is the rightful person that should be punished. So something can be done you just may not like the fact the the person who actually murdered you is not punished but at the end of the day the motion that put the action in play was the original rdmer.

The real issue is when people Tbait in the first place and cause it. Justified killing of someone is gonna do one of 2 things.. Prove you inno because there a T -assuming your not killed instantly for killing them...BECAUSE NO ONE FUCKING IDS BODIES FIRST!!!- or 2: Get you called out for killing an inno.

RDM Trains can be spotted a mile away, but idk why we as humans decide to jump on and unload ammo with the others. As others have said, At times if your tapped for like 2hp from a prop.. don't be that guy and kos them for doing damage and killing them. That always starts off a bad train into feeslbadtown. If it was significant and you could tell they were doing it on purpose, *I.e Prop damage of 50 trying to push off cliff, or two shots at you miss or not.* Then yeah riggity rekt them son. Otherwise, probably your getting baited to be "Part of the meme"
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