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Patchnotes 2/11/2017

  • Added "Damage Indicators". These are disabled by default but they will display the damage you've dealt. (They are not visible through walls).
  • Added the Ancient Case. Right now this crate is on the coinshop for rubies only(will be for first week or so). You can still obtain it from post round drops, weekly collection quest, minigames, and giveaways.
  • Added some new goodies that can only drop post-round ttt!
  • Added 'discovery' system to some new items. This system makes it so when someone drops or rolls specific new items for the first time, their name is added to the description of said items forever. (like so: Discovered by [name])
  • There is now a weekly collection quest on the lobby which can be completed once a week. Once completed you can turn it in for a reward. These will be crates, coins, and possibly some secret stuff.
  • There is now a "!settings" command and a settings button on the Inventory.
  • There is now a new Post-round giveaway that can happen occasionally. This can only happen on the round right before the mapvote, and only those with at least 5 minutes of playtime that map will be applicable to win. HOWEVER
    The longer non-afk time you have the better your chances at winning this giveaway. The rewards from this will be pretty nice, as well as a chance for some unique loot from it.
  • Added more traits.
  • Added an option in !settings to disable skyboxes from rendering.  (Helps FPS on some maps)
  • Added option for "low quality" text glow for better performance.
  • (Mainly for newbies) Added new system to detect if your average FPS is low for a set duration, then enables an !improve chat command to automatically go through and change your FRG settings for optimial performance.

  • Increased the Max level to 200. Once you reach level 101, the system will grant you an icon next to your level on the scoreboard.
    It will also behave for the most part like you are back at level 1. Requiring less EXP to level, and getting gift package at the same rate as you would at that 'lower level' (the gift package rewards behave like level 100+ though).
    This is level 109.
  • Removed the default HL2 damage indicator (red screen). I mimic'd the way they draw the red quads that show if you've been hit from the side(s), but I got rid of turning your entire screen red.
  • Reorganized the F1>settings menu. Now all of FRG's custom settings are grouped up after TTT settings.
  • The coinshop now will only render accessories for the 3 closest people to you by default. You can change how many render at once in Settings.
  • The chatbox is now MUCH more optimized. However, now as result when you enable a filter it will no longer filter out previous messages that weren't already filtered when a filter is switched on.
  • Optimized some scoreboard code to not run any functions when scoreboard is not visible(rip beaver).
  • Optimized lots of render functions to cache up on calculations and not run unless they need to (such as suffix effects).
  • Simplified and highly optimized the Bow's crosshair. It's not as 'cool' now but runs much faster. (I will make a custom crosshair sprite for bows soon. It will be faster and look better)
  • Optimized more HUD functions.
  • Fall damage now gives hitmarkers to the damage owner. (if you newton/push them)
  • Phoenix/flare gun/any ignite now gives hitmarkers to the damage owner.
  • Revamped the Quest UI so now all quest types are within one menu(Event, normal, Collection, etc). Different quest types are in different tabs.
  • Coinshop now applies to players mostly one a time to help prevent loading lag.
  • First Round start ups should now be more smooth and not freeze up.
  • Coinshop distance checks are now only calculated once every 2 seconds(used to be 1).
  • Lots of behind the scene optimizations.
  • The lobby level requirement is now 5.
  • Ported Seraph and Leviathan cases to the new crate system.
  • !trade <name> will now first look for a full match before searching for partial matches.
  • Updated the Stat display bars, and rarity display. Looks less 'plain'. If you guys don't like it I can swap it back!
  • Added Chat filter options to settings menu, instead of only in the chat's personal options menu (top right of chatbox).
  • Removed quite a few unoptimized maps from the server map pool.
  • Updated Exotic rarity display. (feedback please)
  • Made post-round random giveaways better by adding in possible multiple crate drops and more coins. They are also slightly more common. I estimate there should be at least 1 per map(RNG is weird though so don't quote me on this!).
  • Nerfed Survive's Coin drops.
    This change was needed. Survive basically drained TTT's players. Because the runs can take so long, people don't often want to play TTT after a run. Not to mention the loot was much better than TTT's. Let's not forget TTT is our primary source of new players, and the server being mostly empty because 3 teams are doing survive is not helping.

  • Fixed Anarchic Godsword's ice allowing damage types other than melee.
  • Fixed Frost/Ferno specs not working indoors sometimes.
  • Fixed a few collision errors.
  • Various other misc fixes too small to list.

holy fuck large update

When will they be live??


You fucking spoil us.

thanks brass Wink


No snowglobe buff

Umpty Dumpty

Thanks Brassx for the update. We love you <2
SG Fucking Overlord

Great update man a ton of cool stuff. I will say this part made me extremely sad though, "Removed quite a few unoptimized maps from the server map pool." That's a ton of maps. Prepare to play crummy, dolls, 67th, rooftops, traitormotel and canyon even more now. =/

Is there any chance you can list the maps that were removed?

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