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Problematic Maps

There are so many maps on FRG that should be removed because they're either

A) Extremely Unoptimized
B) Poorly Made/Not good for TTT

Here's a list of a few I've found(Some of these may have been removed already, I'm just going off of memory):

Maps with play ability issues:
  • ttt_biocube
    • Extremely bad FPS drop if you look toward the center
  • ttt_eek_b6 (REMOVED)
    • Has an average of 40 FPS anywhere on the map.
  • ttt_homestead_alpha (REMOVED)
    • Has a huge memory leak somewhere in the map, making the max FPS on it around the low 50's
    • Has global door sounds that people like to spam every round
    • Has a stupid minefield that insta kills anyone that walks on it.
  • ttt_concentration
    • Has an extremely bad memory leak in the middle of the map making the FPS terrible.
  • ttt_1337_donut (REMOVED)
    • Extremely Unoptimized map.
    • Terribly designed
  • ttt_jolly_b2
    • Memory leak in the center of the map
    • Has a ton of holes all over the map.
  • gm_construct
    • Has bad FPS because of how large and open it is.
    • Not meant for TTT.
  • ttt_lockout
    • The powerups ruin this map.
    • Causes the server to lag extremely bad towards the end of the map(around 3 rounds or less)
  • ttt_warehouse(This map is one of the worse maps I've seen on FRG. This map is the definition of a bad map)
    • Terrible FPS
    • Terribly designed and looks awful
    • Has stupid T traps(like one that basically insta kills everyone on the map that isn't on the roof of the main building)
  • ttt_lost_temple (FIXED)
    • The T rooms are broken. Even if a T goes into the doorway it kills them. If you can replace it with a different version it would be fine.
  • ttt_trappy_cottage
    • The spawn ladder always gets blocked by some idiot trying to be funny
    • Traps can be activated by everyone causing constant RDM(especially the water trap, it always gets pressed by a noob or an idiot)
    • Extremely small hallways which is dumb for combat, especially when you can crouch jump into the ceiling
  • ttt_mw2_highrise (REMOVED)
    • Has a memory leak somewhere
    • You can push people off pre round and they will survive on the floor
  • ttt_titanic
    • Has an extremely bad FPS leak if you look towards the center of the map(I drop from 200 to 40~)
  • ttt_blockcity_dd_a5
    • This map has extremely bad FPS, which averages around 30~.
  • ttt_old_factory
    • Has a memory leak that causes players to go down to 30~ frames past the first round.

Maps that need player limits:
  • mcdonalds
    • This map is fine when there are less than 10 people on, otherwise it is way too small.
  • ttt_nuclear_bunker
    • Way too small for anymore than 10 players
  • ttt_traitor_motel
    • This map is good for around 16 or so players, but anymore and it becomes overwhelming to be a traitor.

If you have any maps you would like to add just comment down below.

...Do you want me to tell which maps have see through walls? I guess that would "Poorly Made" even though it's not the map's fault.

(02-16-2017, 01:48 AM)TJ1524 Wrote:  ...Do you want me to tell which maps have see through walls? I guess that would "Poorly Made" even though it's not the map's fault.

No, that's because you don't have textures(so basically every map)

aids map usually takes rounds take 4ever on it

2 of those maps are good though tobias. Can't you find what's causing the frame drops and fix it? =D

(02-16-2017, 02:09 AM)Jake1o Wrote:  2 of those maps are good though tobias. Can't you find what's causing the frame drops and fix it? =D

Fixing a map is harder than you think, due to the decompiling software you have to use.

Watch this video, he explains the whole process, and how hard and annoying it is:

If valve provided better ways to decompile maps I'd fix a shit ton of them.

Other maps with huge FPS problems include


I personally have problems with waterworld and diamondshoals, but not many other people do

A lot of those maps use to work fine? Perhaps we can find some fixes before just removing all of these maps. FPS issues may be tough, but things like the T room issue on temple I feel could be fixed without to much hassle. I feel like the code to allow Ts to pass through must have gotten broken in an update or something as it use to work fine until not to long ago.

(02-16-2017, 06:47 PM)Awesome Wrote:  A lot of those maps use to work fine? Perhaps we can find some fixes before just removing all of these maps. FPS issues may be tough, but things like the T room issue on temple I feel could be fixed without to much hassle. I feel like the code to allow Ts to pass through must have gotten broken in an update or something as it use to work fine until not to long ago.

There is no FRG code involved in the T room(at least that im aware of)

I suggested to brassx to find a different version of the map.

man just hire that wind guy I heard he downloads great maps

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