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Ban appeal Felriff

Steam Name (Current)Alvercius

Steam Name (During incident):Felriff or FireKZ

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:104955373

Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170176474/

Name of staff you were banned by:Grassx I think

Length of the ban:plan

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:repealed

Reason for ban: I was telling grassx she was bad you know im just fooling around poking fun and she blocked me I was asking her a question so I made a staff request with my question, then member from ntg said I was a hothead so I made the community a poll the app isn't to far down from the unban requests. I understand I had made mzistakes I am trying to fix those mistakes and it can't happen without a chance I a man asking for this opportunity to prove I am worth enough to be unabnned and that I have changed my mentality and I have changed the course of my actions and allowing my state of mind to not wonder into a state of no return let these words be written in stone with a chance I am change everything I have done, please.
I understand you have no reason to want to unban me but im trying to change myself and how i was, i want to play on this server and regain friendship with friends that i have lost.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:yes

Additional details: I have had about 6 months to reflect on what has happened and I want to come back a new person whole and am willing to put forth the effort if you guys are willing to give me a chance to put forth the effort thank you.

Over the last 6~ months, you've managed to get yourself banned from 4 different inventory servers, and god knows how many other servers.

I really doubt you've changed at all, and frankly I don't think it's worth the trouble to unban you.

Wogs I left and was banned by the now demoted roscoe for bs
NTG my fault
Here my fault
Mg I was being harassed by mougwi big fucking time go check my ban appeal over there Hugh jaynus can vouch for me sooo
And I've been playing on there for a while now it's been 6 months that's half a year.

(03-28-2017, 03:48 PM)|GT| Desperado Wrote:  Reason for ban: I was telling grassx she was bad you know im just fooling around poking fun and she blocked me I was asking her a question so I made a staff request with my question, then member from ntg said I was a hothead so I made the community a poll the app isn't to far down from the unban requests. I understand I had made mzistakes I am trying to fix those mistakes and it can't happen without a chance I a man asking for this opportunity to prove I am worth enough to be unabnned and that I have changed my mentality and I have changed the course of my actions and allowing my state of mind to not wonder into a state  of no return  let these words be written in stone with a chance I am change everything I have done, please.
I understand you have no reason to want to unban me but im trying to change myself and how i was, i want to play on this server and regain friendship with friends that i have lost.

Well we know it was more than that, you said some pretty weird shit in that report (screenshot of it on your last ban appeal).


However, if the community is willing to give you another shot, I don't have a problem with that.

I don't support you being unbanned at this point in time.

Lying on your ban appeal doesn't help either.

When did I lie I just copied same info from 3 month old one cuz it had info I didn't remember.

(03-28-2017, 07:24 PM)|GT| Desperado Wrote:  When did I lie I just copied same info from 3 month old one cuz it had info I didn't remember.

so you're basically saying that you put literally no effort into this ban appeal?

it's exactly the same as your last, except for changing a few numbers here and there.


(03-28-2017, 07:43 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(03-28-2017, 07:24 PM)|GT| Desperado Wrote:  When did I lie I just copied same info from 3 month old one cuz it had info I didn't remember.

so you're basically saying that you put literally no effort into this ban appeal?

it's exactly the same as your last, except for changing a few numbers here and there.


I forgot what happened that's why.

(03-28-2017, 07:43 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(03-28-2017, 07:24 PM)|GT| Desperado Wrote:  When did I lie I just copied same info from 3 month old one cuz it had info I didn't remember.

so you're basically saying that you put literally no effort into this ban appeal?

it's exactly the same as your last, except for changing a few numbers here and there.


So obvious troll is obvious, and yeah that screenshot brass posted, that is literal cancer that no one wants around, borderline needing mental help with that crap. -1
Vanished from life

(03-30-2017, 12:37 AM)FoxSasha Wrote:  
(03-28-2017, 07:43 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  
(03-28-2017, 07:24 PM)|GT| Desperado Wrote:  When did I lie I just copied same info from 3 month old one cuz it had info I didn't remember.

so you're basically saying that you put literally no effort into this ban appeal?

it's exactly the same as your last, except for changing a few numbers here and there.


So obvious troll is obvious, and yeah that screenshot brass posted, that is literal cancer that no one wants around, borderline needing mental help with that crap. -1

lol I've been banned for 7 months tbh I don't care if I come back this server has obtained more aids and cancer such as your self who like to demean others your acting like a child and you say I'm cancer but you insulted me lol it's the internet there are worse people out there and your -1ing me because of what brass posted which is harassment but your -1ing the very thing you typed harassment your inept dude literally Your being really provocative right now if you can't be a hypocrite I don't know why we should trust you if anybody here is smart enough to see what you just did there I don't know what keeps u from not being banned besides riding everyone's dick for their approval my bad I'm defensive but I don't like people who think they are king shit well your not your either and grown man who has nothing better to do with his life but act high and mighty on a pedastool or your a child who is a wanna be I got no tolerance for arrogance hypocrites goodbye good luck on your future endeavors brass.

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