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Daniel/McNuggie ban appeal #2

Steam Name (Current): Daniel

Steam Name (During incident): Daniel

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42863376

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/memeking2014/

Name of staff you were banned by: Brassx

Length of the ban: Permanent IP Ban.

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Either one.

Reason for ban: "Had a chance to be mature about the demotion. Instead decided to be immature. No longer welcome here." There are numerous reasons, ranging from in-server harassment of specific players to the harassment of the entire community.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: I did.

What really happened?: I had been on my last warning as a staff member due to numerous instances of drama that I had initiated with players such as NotChosen and Tobiasx, and I continued to harass them in game until Brass decided it was time to demote me. I had an incredibly immature reaction to my demotion and freaked out at the entire server, insulting people who were my friends, and pretty much went on a massive trantrum until Brass and the rest of the server had enough of it and banned me. Even after that, I continued to harass Brass and others on the server for around a month until legal action was threatened, which is when I stopped.

Additional details: There are no words to describe the amount of regret that I hold for my actions here in mid-2016. None of the people that I treated terribly deserved it, and I allowed my own mental health to affect my behaviour on the server. I never, ever should have done the things that I did back then, and if I could I would change it all and go back, but obviously I cannot. However, I truly believe that in the 8 months it has been since I was banned, and the 3 months it has been since my last appeal, I have grown tremendously as a person both in maturity and respect for the people around me. I understand that a lot of you who know me from the time I was banned do not ever want to see me back on the server, but I honestly do believe that I am a much better person and I would do anything to get the chance to prove it to you guys and redeem myself.

I know how unlikely it is that my ban will be removed, or even reduced, but if you guys have any hope at all that I changed, please give me a chance to show it. I really miss this community.

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to add me on steam or PM me or something, I really want to be as open as I can.

(further information on my ban can be found here: http://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=4478 )



During the short time I knew McNuggie after FRG, he was nothing but nice to me.
I, too, have immaturely taken out my anger and frustration on people, but it never got to the level where I was warned to stop.
From your appeal, I can tell that you are trying to be sincere and are sorry for your actions.

Why not give him another chance? It's the internet. The worst that can happen is he'll just cause trouble, and all you have to do is ban him again.


+1 for unban.
No powers
No Member.
Just a player
Until he proves to us he is ready (after months. Not weeks)
I was never too close with you nuggie. So theres not much i can say. You were a good addition to the server. But you had major issues. Please dont make us regret the +1 for unban
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

I'm always up for second chances. Although he made bad choices, he's human and people learn from mistakes. He will be watched closely too. +1

I personally never had any problems with Mcnuggs and I always really enjoyed playing with him. +1

Edit: After being reminded of the incident, and seeing what others have said, I am changing my stance to neutral and leaning slightly towards the positive. (for numbers sake I'll say +.25) I remember having no problems with Mcnuggs personally as stated above, and while playing with him on other TTT servers recently I didn't notice anything negative whatsoever. I realize that "other servers" aren't FRG so I think my new rating is more accurate.

+1 was ok with me but he has to change his name to mcnugget

Even if he was nice to you, and this goes for anyone, not just spider and feks, you need to look at what happened and realize what he did to other people. Think about if that's the kind of behavior you'd allow a second chance for. Now, he may say he has matured, and there is almost no way to tell if he actually has. I don't doubt he has a little bit at least, but I just think people replying to this need to think long and hard about what happened and the things he did to other people.

As for my opinion, I personally think drama went down after he was banned and it wasn't a coincidence. Not just that one incident, but before that there were other drama related things. I do think he was a fun guy to play with and I know a lot of people here like him. Overall I'm neutral on this.

Replying to what Emp said, when this happened, many of the non-higher up staff had little to no idea what was going on with this situation, and I personally remember very little of the story because I wasn't playing much around the time when this happened.

(04-03-2017, 07:45 AM)SP1D3RP1G Wrote:  Replying to what Emp said, when this happened, many of the non-higher up staff had little to no idea what was going on with this situation, and I personally remember very little of the story because I wasn't playing much around the time when this happened.

I filled in the blanks for a lot of people after everything went down.

As stated in the main post:


I recommend reading ^ to refresh everyone's memory before making any decision on this. This is not something that should be treated lightly, or have a minor "+1 waz cool". Think about the problems he caused, not just for you personally, but the entire server as a whole, and as a previous ADMIN. Consider if it's worth taking a risk of possibly stirring up drama with everyone he targeted by unbanning him.

Keep in mind that he also advertised that WE as a whole were a shitty community for quite awhile on his profile (later changed to 'brass is a shitty person', then linking my steam profile).

Anyways, I just wanted to remind you all of those things before anything is decided. This is one of the bigger ban appeals we've had, so I'd like a lot more than simple +1's/-1's to go on.

I want to make it VERY clear though: IF, and that's a big IF, you were to be unbanned, you would NOT have the option to have any kind of powers again. I need to make sure you fully understand that, since your rank here was extremely important to you.

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