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Daniel/McNuggie ban appeal #2

Honestly, I'd unban his main on the forums, just so we can get some proof that he's changed before we reintroduce him to the server.
Umpty Dumpty

I, while personally feel like this is a matter I would rather not speak about, feel I should go ahead and state my opinion on the situation.
Firstly, i'd like to mention that McNuggie did some pretty terrible stuff over the course of his return, as prior mentioned.
However, when it comes to really seeing someone feel pain and regret, I would like to say McNuggie is easily a prime example of such.
When he was first banned, he realized that he had been dealing with something past one's standard anger issues and such. He and I had talked for a little while then and from our discussions, it was truly obvious to us both that he would have to really spend a lot of time thinking about himself in general to be able to fix what he was dealing with, and then have a chance to return.
And, i sincerely would like to say that he's done such.
However, being as unbiased as I can be, I'm not going to give the whole "he's changed, things are different now" reason. Because who someone is now can not always change who someone was, and the way that affected them and the people around them.
So, while Mcnuggie is a much better person now, and who he has become would in my opinion be very well enjoyed on the server, there's still the things he had once done before.
And, for the reasons alone, that I feel he should still be atoning for what he did, i'm going to leave this as a +/- 0.
For, even though he's really come to be a better person (leaning me towards a +1), the reason he himself was banned is something that someone should never have done, and in most cases would not be worthy of receiving an unban for (leaning me towards a -1).

(personally though, with the bias i was ignoring earlier, I'd like to see mcnuggie return to the servers. i'm just not sure if now is exactly the right time to do it.)
When a dragon round begins.

My comments here are from the standpoint of a friend, and not as the Co-owner.

The one thing that absolutely ticked me off after you getting demoted was your actions. Not against me, or even Brass, but how you personally felt the need to attack a close friend of mine. Someone who was completely unrelated to ALL of the drama. Now you didn't upset this person, but that is why I'm still unsure as to give you another chance. You were a representative of the community, and your toxicity was beyond uncalled for. You spiraled out of control, who says IRL stuff wont effect you again? To me, that's not acceptable.

Now, I know how much you meant to this community, and how many friends you had here, but I still don't know if FRG is ready for that. But I guess that's why the ban appeal is still up.. To see if people are willing to accept/forgive everything that's happened.

But again, I'd like for anyone who comments, to read the post Brass has linked.

Summarizing up my thoughts on this one, i know brass wanted a bit more than just a one liner and a vote but wed be here for hours...

You were given SEVERAL chances to clean up your act. In most times, especially if your in an admin seat, Stuff like the things you did would have been an instant rip of power or ban but for some reason, we all felt like maybe you'd change. While its clear, your starting to feel remorse about this issue, and thats a good sign, you need to feel it WAY more than you do now to amount for the amount of crap you pulled. Starting to turn the leaf is one thing, but one gust of wind is all it takes to flip it back over.

Im too uneasy to say to go with this, And trying not to be biased against it i make this decision thinking not myself being affected, but more the others. I dont think its time for this yet, and youd need some serious asskissing to make people at least even begin to think about having you back around.

If your ever unbanned, yeah Absolutely no rank what so ever, not even member. But for now, -1. If you continue to clean it up and take more time to grow back up a bit more, maybe, MAYBE id go neutral. But -1 for now
Vanished from life

People have been saying you deserve a second chance, but to be clear, you've had multiple chances already. Your ban wasn't based off one offense, but rather a series of domino effects that all led into eachother.
As I recall, at several points during this effect, some of the staff members approached you personally trying to stop what was happening, I'd count each one of those times as a chance.
With that being said, I wouldn't classify this as a second chance, but a chance at redemption after it being so long.

Even with that cleared up, what you did was unacceptable and clearly was apart of something that was built up over time, not just a spur of the moment rampage. You were a well respected admin of the server with a responsibility to uphold the rules and literally just not do what you did. You exploded and said a lot of things - whether those were your true feelings or not, nobody can tell. I would rather people not base their opinions on you based off conversations you've had with them - faking friendship isn't hard, and you're pretty good at it from what I remember (not meant in an offensive way). Maybe I'm just salty you never bothered to try to make things right with me on a personal level after you just dumped me randomly, I dunno.

I don't think it's possible for you to be on the server and play with people like myself (albeit I don't play much anymore), Tobias, Grass, or anyone else you encountered without there being some sort of tension or awkwardness to be honest, it really doesn't matter how hard you try, what you said won't disappear and your feelings towards each other stay, which is gonna be a real pain in the ass.

I don't get what kind of attachment you have to the server that you still want to come back after all that's happened, I don't know if you've tried other servers, but I don't think you're ready to be unbanned, or you'll ever be. I would support you being unbanned on just the forums, and maybe from there you can slowly involve yourself and prove you wont just be a burden by getting along with people on the shoutbox and making meaningful inputs on things. I would support that.

As for being unbanned on the server, I have to -1 it.
To be clear, +1 towards just a forum unban on his main.

- That Thrakos Noob

I never had any problems with nuggie. though I was not active on the server during the time this all went down. I've read the post about what happened but I can not really say much about it.
during the time I was active before this, I never had a problem. and I never saw any major issues. I feel now that time has passed a second chance may be in order. though this chance would be under strict watch and no leniency to any negative actions.
maybe even fresh start, account wipe to fresh and start over


1. Honestly not too sure. I know that if I am to receive an unban and another chance the first thing I would so would be make direct sincere apologies to all off the people who I causes problems with in the past, especially people such as Tobias, Brass, Grass, Chosen, and Aresuft.
should probably do this anyway. not just if unbanned
Everybody look left

Everybody look right

Everywhere you look I'm--

Standing in the spotlight

In almost every case like these I'd jump at the opportunity to +1, I absolutely love to see how much people have "improved".

If they haven't changed they're quickly rebanned, and if they have they always become a prominent member of the community. In these cases, they person went from regular player to rock bottom so it's somewhat promising.

In this (your) case, that obviously can't happen. I don't see any good that can come to the community from unbanning you. I see unbanning you as more of a service to you than the community and I can't support that.
I believe that you've changed and that you're a better person. I KNOW you have. You messaged me months ago apologizing to me and said nothing else. You didn't ask me to support any potential appeals, you were apologizing to me as my friend because you know you fucked up.

I want nothing more than to give you another chance as a friend and in FRG and I will if this appeal is accepted. I just don't see it happening.

I understand that the community does not think that it is a good idea for me to be unbanned. I'm requesting that this be closed now and denied, as if the majority of people feel I am not ready nor the community is ready for my return, it is clearly not a good idea.

However, if you all don't mind, I'm gonna post another appeal in August after it has been a year since my ban to see if my chances at a return are improved.

Again, thank you all for the honest responses and I will use them to further improve myself in the future. I'll also be PMing direct apologies to people I hurt during the time I was banned.

Bye. See you in a couple months hopefully.


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