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Beebee1303's Membership Application

Age: 22

Steam Name(Current): Beebee1303

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 198 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I bought whiskey and joined Posion's current game, thinking it was NTG. Thankfully it was this lovely server.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope.

Why do you want to join?: It seems I've left a sizable impact in FRG, from being the butt of several memes, having a good time with most people, and half the people playing on the server my friend.

Referred by: StatTrak™ Bill Cosby, TJ1524

Additional Details: I'll become even more active in the summer, when I'm done with this semester.

+1 for drunk beebee and for dad gum it (-1 for sober beebee)

+1 hes a really fun guy to play with and memes r gud.

Simon says Beebee would be a fine member. I personally think he's fun.

Why don't we kill him more?

I don't think I've ever seen you bring negative vibes, you are always cheerful and a joy to play with. +1

Beebee is a lot of fun and he's really active, I see him on a lot. He follows the rules and is respectful. +1

Beebee is a great guy and always loves to have fun. He knows the rules generally well and never really brings hate to anyone.
He would be a great member for the server
Love you beebee
Drunk or sober
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

Really a fun guy, good member material. +1

(Dad gum it)

+1 beebee is a fun guy, always follows rules and stays away from drama, would make a great addition to FRG.

Does "D - All of the above" work here?
Anyways, BeeBee is great to have on the server.
Incredibly friendly, always good to see when I check who's online the TTT server. +1
When a dragon round begins.


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