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Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): Simone2Digger

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 202 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Found it on my own about 2 years ago

Have you ever been banned and why?: Nope!

Why do you want to join?: I've always loved the community and its high time that finally make an application for membership.

Referred by: Nobody

Additional Details: I'm no know-it-all on the server. Just a guy who wants to have fun!

Very Active, fun to play with, Knows and does not bend the rules. +1.

He would make a good impression on the server to New players that join in the future.
SG Fucking Overlord

follows rules well, doesn't cause problems, and nice to have on the server +1

i need to stop doing this

+1 He is fun to play with and follows the rules.

He's mature from what I've seen and has no problem staying out of trouble, although I would like to see more involvement on the server. +1

Heck yeah, Simone is awesome. Really fun guy to play with and he always follows the rules. +1

+1 Extremely fun to play with and knows the rules of the server

+1 ~ Whenever I see him on, the server seems to lighten. He rarely does any wrong, and the mood is always heightened. He knows the rules, never drools, always fools, because he's coolz. He's pretty great, always straight, never hates, and we love him, no matter his weight. He's a dopey character, but that's his choice. I'm done here, and that was my voice.

I don't think I've seen him be slayed before. Don't see him bring hate to anyone, seems decent. +1

+1 I've seen him on the server a few times now and from when I play with him it seems like he follows the rules along with treating his fellow players well.

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