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Eagle's Unban


Sack Bortono(Now)


Ban is for eternity

I would like it repealed


I do not know who the staff was at the time of the ban.


I killed like one or two people and then killed myself and left.

Not asking for everyone to like me because that is not how the world works, just asking to play the game with some friends again.

Normally 2 rdms and leave aren't a forever ban, but a week ban or so. I feel like you're not telling us the real reason you were banned because no staff bans for that long unless trolling was also involved in the RDMs. +/-1?
Bouncy Rounds

He was banned for way more then just rdm and leaf, if I recall you flat-out rdm'd then told the staff on you would do it then left. You not only did that , but caused plenty of drama on FRG that isn't wanted at all. -1 from me.

Here's his actual Complain thread where he posted a legit +1 for his own ban: http://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=3938

(05-29-2017, 01:41 PM)Sack Bortono Wrote:  https://gyazo.com/ea066dfd05537a78552f2445b1771edd

I can say I'm not good enough to kill more than three people in a row I know it was all in one round and someone sent me a pm and I said I'm done playing.

I did have some controversial political views but I know not to talk about that on a public server and only in PMs

Since Im to lazy to reply to him, heres his thread since he said he didnt talk publicly about his political views: http://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=3936


I can say I'm not good enough to kill more than three people in a row I know it was all in one round and someone sent me a pm and I said I'm done playing.

I did have some controversial political views but I know not to talk about that on a public server and only in PMs

If i am correct, you agreed on a ban on yourself, why would you ever want to come back if you acted like that in the first place? -1

There's definitely worse ways to go than RDMing and volunteering to be banned. Everyone has their moments, everyone gets sick of people every once in a while.

Obviously you wouldn't get unbanned for this if you'd have done it twice, but I would support you getting unbanned just this once.

Edit: Didn't know about the 'n' word incident. He knows the rules very well and knew that by doing that, he'd be permanently banned. Can't un-kill yourself. I no longer support his unban.

- That Thrakos Noob

You seem to have forgetten the part where right after you went into the shoutbox and spammed "everyone on here is a N word".

(05-29-2017, 02:56 PM)CoachGrump Wrote:  If i am correct, you agreed on a ban on yourself, why would you ever want to come back if you acted like that in the first place? -1

To be fair his agreeance with his own ban should have no bearing on this appeal. What I'd like to know is if it's reasonable for a permaban to remain over his actions.

I talked with him a lot up to the point of his ban and he was pretty fed up, he felt like he was being targeted because of his beliefs.

I told him if he felt that way he should make a report on the forums and explain the situation. The report did not go to his liking and he threw a fit, got banned, "quit" the server and now we are here.

Creating a report was the right thing to do, but it was for the wrong reasons.
Throwing a fit and quitting the server was immature, but you're showing you haven't matured if you can't even apologize accurately in your own appeal.

I would -1 this but I don't agree with the reason for being permanently banned and I don't think the community really has a say as it's more of a technical ruling rather than "we dont want you back because you're toxic".

Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

I don't support this at all. You purposely got yourself banned by doing some pretty shitty things. I really dislike giving second chances, let alone second chances for stupidity.

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