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Nacholistic - Unban Request

Steam Name (Current): Nacholistic

Steam Name (During incident): Nacho

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53454026

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067173780

Name of staff you were banned by: CONSOLE

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Either one, just looking for a new beginning

Reason for ban: Constant RDM

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes, I believe I did, hard to remember over two years ago.

What really happened?: Not entirely sure, I think I remember some NTG vs FRG beef, but that's all I remember.

Additional details: I know my name may leave a sour taste in some people's mouths, assuming anyone remembers me, however I feel as if after almost 3 years since i've been banned including the NTG ban times, I have changed. I had just turned 15 at the time of my banning on FRG and i'm now 17, everyone makes dumb decisions during those years, and getting myself banned on FRG, I feel, was one of them. I would accept some form of Watch List if you guys have it, or whatever, I would just like to have another chance.

Oh hey nacho
i mean chosen
i mean--

Anyways, if it really has been as long as Nacho says it has, I'd say there's at least some room for consideration.
However, as I wasnt in the midst of all the drama Nacho had caused before he got banned, I would like to wait for other people's responses before i judge this.
Personally though, Nacho had been a good friend of mine throughout his time on NTG and FRG, so considering all this and the time he's been gone, I'd say there must have most definitely been room for change.
When a dragon round begins.

Hmm... I was here around this time and I remember how childish you were. HOWEVER, there are a lot of childish players on FRG and TTT in general. I don't believe how you acted should be accepted in any shape or form and completely agreed with your punishment, but even after 3 years you still want to come back shows you care enough to try. I'm pretty neutral about this just since toxicity is something that comes in waves with people ( I know I personally was pretty toxic at a point and really try to makeup for my rash behavior a lot of the times). I'd agree though if you were on a watch list of sorts , but really we've had worse people unbanned so I don't see why you couldn't be if you were supervised somehow. +0 for now .

I mean I don't know you (I think) but I think second chances should be granted after such a long time (3 years, wow!) Personality changes in a span of time and yours might have been one of them. I mean what could happen, can't be worse than Mr_Cheese lol. +1

You're the same as eagle. you got salty or bored of the server. Got yourself banned. years passed. You want to play again. Request unban. People like you shouldn't be unbanned just for the fact that you purposefully got yourselves banned. Well now you are. And I do hope it says that way


Btw nacho you were cool. I think we were friends. Cant really remember. But still
If you go and purposefully get yourselves banned. Stay banned

Edit: Nacho has had multiple chances before right? or am I thinking of someone else.
inb4 Dino Unban

Edit 2: Same with Mr.Cheese. No more chances. Banned perma
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

Man, I was horrible when I first started playing when I was 17! My friends and I would play a game to see who got banned first on a server, YES I WAS ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. Even now I'm permabanned off of a good amount of the servers that had great ping for me, yea I wasn't smart. But that was FIVE years ago. Just cus I was young, dumb, and 17. Back then I didn't appreciate a community, but over the years now I do. He was 15 when he was rdming, do you think that rdmer would come back 2 years later? I didn't go back to the servers. Even five years went by I still see the "You're permabanned, see more on our website." (Well actually, most of the servers are gone >.>.) I can full heartedly say that, he must have grown up. Hell I did, shockingly.

+1 I was young, dumb, and stupid. I used to rdm for fun back then, but now I take my slays like a man. I should also add, and try and not rdm Tongue  .

Dear God, I've been playing the same game for five years now @_@.

I'm still relatively new. I've been here maybe 2-3 months and still getting to know veterans that I see joining every now and then. Almost all of us have been where Nacholistic has, and almost all of us have gotten a second chance. Whether we used this chance wisely or not, I don't know. Maybe he was given a second chance, and he didn't use it wisely, and that's why we're here. I, however, do believe in the occasional THIRD chance, if it seems the person has earned it. So let's start with what I know: Nacholistic was banned because he rdmed a lot. At that age, acting without thinking before hand is fairly common in my opinion, but that's not an excuse. He may have been warned to stop and he didn't, and that caused his ban. Probable, actually, knowing how just the staff is on this server. But on the other hand, he was young. A _lot_ can change in the span of a year, let alone three of them. Hell, I remember three years ago, I was 14 and thought I was the center of the world. I screwed up? No. The other person did. I never made a mistake. Now, at the age of 17 (soon to be 18), I know differently. Maybe Nacholistic has finally developed better decision making abilities. We won't know until we give him a shot. Leo said Nacholistic is the same as Eagle, but I don't think that's fair at all. Eagle to me seemed to be a bit egotistic, and though I don't know him personally, it doesn't seem to me that Nacho is at all. He appears sincere (though a bit forgetful, but hell, it was 3 years ago), and I say we give him another chance. Obviously, we should all keep a close eye on him like we did Mr_Cheese, and if it turns out he deceived us, we can just reinstate the ban.

I'm giving this dude a +1, with the hope that he isn't lying. I want people to have fun, and I think the TTT server is one of the best ways to do so, as long as the rules are followed. Nacho should have that ability one final time.

Nacholistic, assuming you're reading this, I have a message for you. You want to come back, and I think some people will be against that. If you do manage to be unbanned, I suggest that you reread the rules and try not to break them. Be responsible, and have fun. Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone makes amends. You're trying to right now, but amending whatever mistakes you've made in the past will not matter a single bit if you go and do the same mistake again. Learn from your mistakes so that you don't repeat them. There's a saying that goes "History repeats itself", but there's always exceptions. Be that exception Nacho.

(05-31-2017, 12:08 AM)CoachGrump #SpreadPositivity Wrote:  I mean I don't know you (I think) but I think second chances should be granted after such a long time (3 years, wow!) Personality changes in a span of time and yours might have been one of them. I mean what could happen, can't be worse than Mr_Cheese lol. +1

when I turn 16 im gonna re-try. Sorry tho, idk what i was thinking lmao, im fine with the ban tho, I fucked up, thats what i know.

No,no,no,no I think this would be his fourth chance. I don't care how long its been, he repeats a cycle everytime do not let him back. Biggest -1 I can possibly give. This is for sure not his first unban request and even if I am mixing up NTG with FRG he has requested so many damn unban requests that he needs to never be unbanned again.

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