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Membership Application

Age: 17

Steam Name(Current): {C.Ͻ} Cody

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 96 hours 51 mins

Where did you hear about this server?: Brassx

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: Well I used to be apart of Brassx TTT back in the day and loved playing every day and honestly I want to help the community

Referred by: Tobiasxz

Additional Details: I have two awards the Military Officers Association of America and The Sons of the American Revolutionand(I can provide pictures for further Proof) I am a Captain in JROTC, And have experenice as a Super Admin, Head Admin, Co-Owner of TTT servers before.

Cody is a cool guy, follows the rules, and is fun to play with. I have never even heard of Brassx TTT, so he has to be a reaaaaaaaaaly old player. +1

+1. He doesn't cause problems, and i think he would be a great member.

+1, Cool person to play with and very nice. Don't see why he shouldn't be member.

Wait he just clearly lied about his time on the server "96hrs"

But his actual time is 84.15.... I dont even know what to say about this.
SG Fucking Overlord

(05-31-2017, 03:40 PM)Jerome The Ninja Wrote:  Wait he just clearly lied about his time on the server "96hrs"

But his actual time is 84.15.... I dont even know what to say about this.

He's probably going off Gametracker and not !time since there is a cody with 70ish hours and one with 26ish (Gametracker counts afk time)

lol wut??? What is Brassx TTT? xD

That never existed as far as I know.

I don't see Cody bend the rules, rdm, or get slain. If I'm wrong can you please provide evidence that he did one of these things otherwise, my +1 will stand.

Still active?


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