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JobLobbers Unban

i got into the server and was shown a screen of custom weapons that i wanted to mess with but closed out of anyway, i tried to open it back up 30 seconds later but couldnt figure out how so i just decided to play. when i actually wanted to start playing it was my T round so i was excited but i couldnt move my camera and my cursor was on the screen. i tried doing a bunch of stuff to make it go away but none of it worked, i tried asking chat but no one said a damn thing. and of course a guy runs up and shoots me ending the round and i couldnt have done a fucking thing, now of course im gonna get heated as fuck but perhaps i was a bit harsh and im sorry, but still someone couldve at least helped me, instead of bullshitting around

Please use the correct format.

^ correct format

According to the ban list, you were banned for using racism in reports.

yes i did use racism in the report, i was heated as a mothefucker but i couldnt look, i couldnt shoot, i couldnt do anything but walk while looking in one direction and the asshole just came up and killed me ON MY T ROUND

wait this was after looking at inventory?, i had this happen once, i think i just restarted gmod or my computer, but either way racism is still a big no no, normally people dont look at chat a lot, but u just learn to deal with it. if the ban was a perma maybe shorten it to a 2-3 week long ban? or something like that? cause i mean it would be pretty annoying to get a t round and not be able to do shit, but because he went to racism keep it still as a ban?

I banned you after you reported someone for killing you and you called them a bitch n-word because you weren't able to aim.

I don't have the screenshot because for some reason it's not on the computer I was on but if any other staff member wants to do anything with it, go ahead.

Shouldn't you warn the person first before banning them so quickly though...?

The report in question.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Although I do agree that he should have been warned not to use racism first before he was just straight up banned, I can tell from this ban appeal that this guy is going to be toxic. "I lost ONE T round in a gamemode that gives T rounds 2-3 times in a 9 round map so I WAS HEATED AS A MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!! I get that it was a bit harsh but someone could have helped me INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME AND HAVING FUN!!!!!"

I do not support an unban and if this guy does get unbanned I bet money he will be banned again. Please prove me wrong JobLobber. I hope I am reading into your replies a little too much. We will see.

Just remember man, it's just a video game we are all playing here. Have some fun and don't take it so seriously.

EDIT: Also, if you are serious about being unbanned, you should legit use the proper format. I wasn't posting that to be a dick. I was trying to help. Not sure why you marked it as salty.

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