Everyone spawns with a grapple with unlimited uses, but with a cooldown. So you can use the grapple 3 times, but then you have to wait 10-15 seconds before using again. Everyone also spawns with radar with a 10 seconds refresh rate and goomba boots, perma enabled, that reduce fall damage by 100%. You get healed for 50% of all damage done. If you land on someone's head, they instantly die (the ultimate goomba)(Would make this mode a lot easier on maps like Traitormotel and . I think it'd make it more fair if crystals were disabled for this. Also, after x amount of seconds, 2 damage will be taken every 2 seconds, down to 1 hp.
Edit: Winner is determined by damage done, not by kills. This would help with people just staying in the air just to survive.
Edit: Winner is determined by damage done, not by kills. This would help with people just staying in the air just to survive.