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Poll: Is this kos off logic or location
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so as we all know

"3. *NO RDM! Killing someone based on suspicion, location, gun, player model, or any other questionable means are not allowed on this server ever. You must have proof! Logical killing is not RDM. (For example, there are 3 players left alive, 1 is proven, all others have been identified. It is logical for the last non-proven innocent to kill the last traitor being the only two “unproven” left.) If you see someone look at an unidentified body and ignore it you may kill them. However, if they simply walk near it and may not have specifically aimed at it you have to ask them to identify it before killing them."

You must have proof!

Logical killing is not RDM.

Okay so now thats established, on ttt_nuclear_bunker on the fourth level from the top there is a large room with on entrance, ya know the one with the dead grass and trees, yeah that one. so there was a shotgun shot from said room, a player walks out holding a body, i walk in the room see the shotgun splatter, no bodies, no burn marks from either flare or teleport, no cloaked players in the room or exiting the room, no radio in the room. So through obvious logic with proof i kos the person carrying the body out of the empty room. Further proof i found this same player in the t tester room after hearing another shotgun shot and them iding a body immiedetly after the shotgun shot in the room with the body

So with proof is this logical killing or was it kos off location?

You can't KOS off logic. Although that's obviously cause for heavy suspicion, if you didn't directly see him, it would be KOS off location.

- That Thrakos Noob

i shot first then after them shooting back i kos'd. i fought them in the tester room. so wasnt a kos of logic however i was killing them off logic

(07-12-2017, 10:59 PM)wind Wrote:  i shot first then after them shooting back i kos'd. i fought them in the tester room. so wasnt a kos of logic however i was killing them off logic


- That Thrakos Noob

You can kill for logic the rule states, i have heavy proof after marking off all the variables, i called the kos after them shooting me close range with a shotgun in a fight i will lose so i decided to kos.

Cloaks are made for traitors to not be easily seen, so it is possible in a room full of brush that you couldn't see them as they snuck by you. There's enough traitor/detective equipment that could make this possible.
You told me over steam that you did it off sound and you saw him in the room with an already id'd body. When the server rule mentions logic, it's referring to you being the last one alive, someone working together with another traitor, things like that.
This is purely KOS off location.

I'm disagreeing with you - this doesn't make me bias to Tobias' opinion like you're accusing me of being. I'm sorry that you can't handle your error.

- That Thrakos Noob

I claimed you were bias due to how tobias reacted to your posts and for other reasons, If thats not how logic works the rule should be changed to not say logic and say you can kill for only that. Logic is logic theres no arguing with it. And no there wasnt a way for someone to have snuck past me, i also mentioned all of the possibilities in my original post. This is purely kos off logic.

logic i would conisder ok is this, u hear gun fight in room with one entrance, u hear death scream, u enter room, u see dead body with person standing there, they may be wounded, that is when i would conisder it ok to kill, they might say oh they teleported or cloaked, but if that person knew that, then why wouldnt they have shot them. and this is another think i think brassx said once, if u can logically assume something, not like going off suspicion, like seeing a person in the area a sniper was at, or like going off weapon, but like seeing a plasma nade come from a room with one entrance, like movie theater in abandoned mall, and u kill them for it, and they were a traitor, ur fine, yes it is kind of off location, but there was no way it wasnt them, ppl just need to lighten up, if u mess up as a traitor and die, do better, if you get rdmed for a logical reason, report them, they did mess up, but if they were right, then you did something wrong as a traitor.

Did you make sure to look up in the air for someone grappling?

What I'm trying to say in a scenario like this there is a million ways someone could realistically shoot them and get away.

Logically killing concludes that their gun and their area wasn't a factor. Clearly if you weren't there and you investigate afterwards there's no way you can logically conclude that every little thing didn't happen. That's why save for a few things "logical killing" is very difficult to do. The most obvious one being kosing the last guy not proven.

What wind said seems pretty logical to me. If u are not even allowed to solve little mysteries anymore to find the traitor then that just sucks

was the guy actually the traitor? because if he were actually the traitor then u solved it properly

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