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thomas.cintula and Haden208 RDM Report

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): thomas.cintula and Haden208

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:158680429 is thomas.cintula's Steam ID, and STEAM_0:0:84831477 is Haden208's Steam ID.

Map the event happened on: halo_acsension and ttt_office for thomas.cintula and just ttt_office for Haden208

Date of event: 7/13/2017

What Happened?: Over a long course of rounds he killed multiple people for absolutely no reason, all of them being afk so they could not report him, he also did this to me, of which I tried to report him but no staff were on. He did this many times that it got him down to 594 karma or something, but it went back up to 800, then down to 720. I confronted him for RDMing me and attempting to RDM another afk at one point and he acted like nothing happened and everything was fine, he was like "nah I didn't RDM you". More people saw him RDM and saw him attempt to RDM multiple times, I'd estimate over 5 times he killed people for no reason.

While I was in the middle of typing this, Haden208 had the bright idea of deciding to RDM me as well while I was afk, so I am going to add that in as well. I was afk in the garage area of ttt_office and he killed me even though he was innocent, he is also level 4, which means that he should most likely know the rules by now.

Witnesses: gamerplayer357, {LFG} Haden208, Pineapple From State Farm, there may have been more but I'm not sure.

I do not know the witnesses for Haden208 rdming me while I was afk.

Evidence: I have no actual evidence besides the witnesses that I know of, Angry_Jester also knows of the RDM by thomas.cintula, if I had any recording software I would have used it to record this, but unfortunately I do not have any.

You must have evidence for anything to be done. Going off of your word/someone else's word isn't enough.

The only evidence I can actually get (Because my computer is so shit it doesnt even have a graphics card so I can't record anything) are two screenshots of his karma being relatively bad, but there are a lot of witnesses who know of him RDMing.



Having bad karma isn't enough evidence. You would need to provide damage logs.

There's no concrete evidence here, but they haven't joined back since. If they return and cause more problems, please file another report against them supplying damage logs which can be found by hitting F8 at the end of rounds.


- That Thrakos Noob

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