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Jsc's member app!

Big Grin 
Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): A Man Named Jsc

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 174 hours 38 minutes

Where did you hear about this server?: I was randomly looking for servers and the name of the server caught my eye.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?:I enjoy this server even though im not that good at the game. The people on this server kind of give off an older sibling feeling. I would love to join the group.  Big Grin

ps. Created a new app. I took a break for my final year of school and I am finally back! Looking forward to playing with you all.  Big Grin

Fun to play with, I've never seen him cause many problems. ++1

Jsc is a fun dude to play with. Never see him cause many problems +1

Jsc is pretty chill when on the server, plus I haven't see Jsc rdm or get slain a lot. If I'm wrong please provide evidence, but until then my +1 will stand

Just gonna do a little bit of a bump up

I've been debating this for a little while, but jsc wouldn't be bad to have aboard. He follows the rules better now, haven't seen him get slain in a bit, and he is nice company. +1

I'm going to deny this as you haven't been on in a month. If you return you're free to make an application and I'll consider the previous feedback.


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