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well hi there

It seems I post here quite frequently.
Perhaps time just goes by slower than I'm willing to notice.

Well, hi, it's sure been a while since I've shown my face anywhere near hear -- even steam in general. And, well, that's just to account for me doing things that I guess 'normal' people do (not saying that I'm normal now or that you all aren't normal, but that I'm actually doing things like studying for better grades and all that jazz.)
Anyways, as to not be a hypocrite, I've carried a member+ rank during all my time of absence, and so as to not become one of the many who hold onto such a title during many months of absence, that is one factor as to why this thread is finally being posted.

In other notes, it's that I've just found myself to be less attached to the community and everything that it is. I dont find that the community has become "more toxic" or "unplayable" by any means -- in fact, when I left I thought it was moving in quite the opposite direction -- but rather that I myself have come to a point where I've either burnt myself out, or just dont find the strive to indulge in such a time spender.

And, so, although at the time of writing this I have no means to return, every time I've made such a thread I have done just the opposite.
But, with that, a few notes just to give out:

Kuro, I'm going to say that the fate of my Daybreak and Kunais are with you. Although Halaman is (or, at least should, and better still be) in possesion of such things, I'm fine with them getting tossed around as long as you always have full ownership of them. =)

And tobiasx, stop being such a cool kid and adding all these new things.
Every time I check the shoutbox there's something involving you with either another new event or just you being a rad dude.

Alex, i'dunno, dont really have anything to say here but wanted to mention you nonetheless.
get admin maybe?
(and tobi, are you even a mod yet??)



I know that it's not like I gave a saddening "here's what memories I have of you", which is why I didn't include many people of which I have such memories of, but just know that if you think you should have been on that list, you would be if I actually made one. (or if i still talk to you via anything else. because then its not really a bye).

and i think i saw terran's name in the shoutbox recently. is he back? terran, are you there? if so say hi to me in steam and ill get back in 1-20 business days.

give my kunais to jerome
i forgot about that.
When a dragon round begins.

Not really sure what to say, other than I'm sorry to see you go.

I've always had fun playing and memeing around with you, and I've always considered you a good friend. Hopefully you'll be able to come back again and play some more.

Until then though, have fun with life, keep on memeing, memes4lyfeu~~~~

oh yeah and terran is back

(09-19-2017, 02:06 AM)tobiasxz Wrote:  Not really sure what to say, other than I'm sorry to see you go.

I've always had fun playing and memeing around with you, and I've always considered you a good friend. Hopefully you'll be able to come back again and play some more.

Until then though, have fun with life, keep on memeing, memes4lyfeu~~~~

oh yeah and terran is back

alright sweet, glad to see he moved out of jerome's house.
i mean the barn.

same thing, right?
When a dragon round begins.


what crate did you roll your life from
good luck with it, try not to get sharked outta it, and departures dont mean you cant stop by the forums to say wassup so do that sometimes


- That Thrakos Noob

Even though you removed me more times than I can count, I consider you a good friend and I hope I see u irl sometime so I can hug you.

I'll miss you Fancy. Seeing you depart makes me sad. Tbh you were the reason why I even still played ttt and seeing you go just makes it even harder for me to enjoy it.

Even though we trolled each a lot, I had really enjoyed those moments.

I'll miss you and I will start texting you more.

SG Fucking Overlord

It's sad to see you go, you were an awesome guy to have around and just a great friend in general. I had a blast playing with you. Good luck with your "normal" people life dude. Be sure to hit me up on steam whenever you feel like it and we can just chat for a bit. I'll miss you <3

Rip ;-;, you were like my first friend on FRG besides Jake. Even though you really annoyed me by prop killing me as an inno or T, you were always a fun person to hang around. Not much to say, hope you do well in your life mate. I'm gonna miss you, even though we didn't know each other for that long.

Your worst T buddy
⠀⠠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙  ⣴⠒⠒⣲⢔⠉⠉⣹⣞⣉⣈⠿⢦⣀


I've known you for a while in NTG and although it feels like we've only really become friends recently it also feels like we've always been friends.

You've always been a great friend to me and I can honestly say you've been someone I've had a lot of mutual respect and trust for and I'll really miss playing with you.

Even though you're moving on I still want you to keep me added, and I'll keep in touch over the usual ways.

I hope you the best in school and whatever else you may take part in (your brother too) tell pez I said hi

Thank you for everything.

You were a great friend fancy, a great friend to us all in FRG. It's sad to see another great friend to depart from FRG. I'm gonna miss you, we all are gonna miss you. We wish you the best of luck in life, and stop by sometimes.


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