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Tw2 | Jawshi Exploiting

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:56347745

Map the event happened on: ttt_cloverfield_b2

Date of event: 12-10-17

What Happened?: Tw2 | Jawshi was exploiting on the map Cloverfield by sitting on top of a roof sitting inside a box where you can see out of and shooot out of but can't get seen or shot back by anyone outside of it to gain XP/Kills/Merit on an enhancable weapon.

Witnesses: No one else complained about it.

Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1167125633      ( Screenshot of what happened )

That screenshot is way too hard to make out.

(10-13-2017, 03:48 PM)tobiasxz Wrote:  That screenshot is way too hard to make out.

Jawshi is crouching and facing towards box, most likely trying to hide as much as he can. It just catches him in the act of cheating.

I get it!


Hes on top of a square wall that has a walk through able box.

I don't think this needs a ban right away, I think a warning'll do.
Jawshi, please remember:

» No exploiting/hacking.
Using exploits for personal gain(such as an exploit to do an event and not receive a cooldown), or to beat events(getting to a place where NPC's cant hit/reach you) is a perma-ban. Getting into unreachable areas is not allowed. Any area that allows you to see through walls is an exploit. Door blocking classifies as exploiting. No hacking is self-explanatory. If you believe somebody is hacking/exploiting, contact a staff member.

This is a clear violation of this rule. If you're seen doing it again, further action will take place.

- That Thrakos Noob

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