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☼☀Phoenix King Ozai☀☼™ Member Application

Age: 15

Steam Name(Current): ☼☀Phoenix King Ozai☀☼™

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 148 hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I was randomly scrolling though the ttt servers list and I came across FRG

Have you ever been banned and why?: Racism quite a while ago, I wish it would dissappear into time

Why do you want to join?: I feel that I have become a better person since that day that I regret every racist thing I said and now Im just hoping that I can be a good member of this great and sometimes salty communatty

Referred by: None

Additional Details: I hope that you guys and girls can look past my offense from the past

When do you play? Im on almost all day and I never see you online. I think you should become more active first. If im wrong about your inactivity Ill change this.
Bouncy Rounds

I agree with Halaman. Your activity is rather sudden and only 13% (roughly) of your playtime is recent.

Eh, it doesn't matter if he doesn't play a lot, as long as he does play. Its a Member application, he doesn't have -ANY- obligation to play constantly!

Anyways. I don't know what happened with you in the past, but when I've played with you (Plenty of times), I've enjoyed it and you've never caused issues from what I've seen. However, as I just mentioned, I don't know what happened in the past, so there could be more information being withheld. I'd still support this, but I can't just yet until I get more information from others. But if it helps, I think you're a pretty cool dude!!

Denied. You haven't put in enough time since your ban to show anything. Feel free to re-apply once you have a little more time in!

- That Thrakos Noob

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