Forerunner Gaming 2018
Unpoke - Current Manager
Hello everyone, Happy New Years (eve)! As 2017 comes to a close, I'd like to give a small recap of all that's changed this year, as well as a few goals for next year to give you an idea of what's coming up.
2017 has been a crazy year for FRG, and I would like to thank and congratulate the new staff members and +members that have been promoted this year:
» Awesome, congratulations on Moderator.
» JuicyBoxer, congratulations on +Member.
» Kcat, congratulations on Moderator.
» Tobiasxz, congratulations on +Member and Developer.
» Alex Summers, congratulations on Moderator.
» CoachGrump, congratulations on +Member.
» TJ1524, congratulations on +Member.
» Eclipse, congratulations on Administrator.
» Splashy, congratulations on +Member.
» gfkxj, congratulations on +Member.
» Black Knight, congratulations on Moderator.
» ZombieNinja975, congratulations on Moderator.
» Bri, congratulations on +Member.
» Tango(SCRUB), congratulations on +Member.
» FoxSasha, congratulations on +Member.
» Poison, congratulations on +Member.
» Fancy Typh, congratulations on +Member.
» Gamerplayer357, congratulations on +Member.
» Catbug, congratulations on +Member.
... and of course, a thank you to the staff that have stuck around since before this year!
Our community has gotten significantly larger as well. A lot of faces that are common this year were not ever seen last year. Hell, we got to 2000 members on the forums. Welcome to all of our new members!
It has been a huge year for updates here (as it normally is), including:
» Newly added customization options including jihad sounds, cosmetics, crosshair customization, inventory skins, etc.
» New t-weapons/d-weapons.
» New minigames/lobby bosses including Rollermines, Bloodwynd, the Castle, Asylum, and holiday bosses.
» A heightened level cap of 200.
» Huge optimizations to make the game run smoother.
» Incredible unboxings and give-aways by very generous people.
» Integrations with our Discord server (find in the "Servers" list).
This is a very condensed list, but none of it would be possible without the amazing development team FRG has - Brassx, Aresuft, and Tobiasxz. As usual, you guys are awesome and deserve a huge thanks for what you do here.
For 2018, the progression will not stop.
From a community standpoint, we should hopefully see:
» Incentives to making helpful responses to applications. This could include special titles/+rep to those who post to applications and are found useful or other forum perks.
» New administrators/moderators/interested applicants.
» Our first level 200+ players.
» Better understood standards for applicants.
» Looser rules around the idea of "logic." After making sure the death scene works, I think it's time we find a middle ground to allowing brainless logic to be allowed while still not overwhelming staff with having to check death scenes every time there's a report. This would include allowing you to shoot through windows despite not specifically seeing a name, and other super obvious stuff. You're free to ask for clarification, but nothing will be official until January 1st.
» A new playerbase around Jailbreak and potentially Realms depending on the progress.
Those are the easy things, stuff we should be able to accomplish together. I'm always down to hear any other changes you'd like to see, so feel free to post here or message me, my ears're open.
I look forward to seeing all of you in the new year!
Brassx - Owner & Head Developer
2017 has been an Interesting year for FRG. We've definitely learned more about our community as a whole.
In 2018, I'm planning on some very big changes to TTT, and Jailbreak will be getting the Inventory system! (Things that pass the recent TTT 2 beta poll will be added, early January)
In Early 2018, the 'Economy Update' will arrive. This includes:
- Godlike shards. Turn your spare godlikes into these shards, then use them along side a godlike of your choice to make:
- Extinct Godlikes. These are beefed up versions of godlikes. The ultimate 'End Game' goal. Including a new name prefix, new texture, a very sick glow, new traits from a 'global extinct pool', and possibly a revamped suffix effect.
- Unknown Crate (Working Title) - This crate is locked. You must sacrifice a godlike, and pay a fee to unlock this. Once unlocked you will receive a completely random Expired Godlike (from seasonal crates).(All existing expired godlikes will be bumpmed up to exotic, and have an in-game glow effect.)
This will be obtained similarly to a Sealed Djinn. - Daily Quests/Challenges for rewards, not fragments.
- Challenge Scrolls
- Possible rework of the Fragment Weapon Shop
- This would include increasing the amount of weapons on its table, always choosing a single godlike, then having you pay a lower amount of fragments to get a 'roll' on the shops table. Similarly to chests, but only from weapons on the table for that day, and for fragments.
- This would include increasing the amount of weapons on its table, always choosing a single godlike, then having you pay a lower amount of fragments to get a 'roll' on the shops table. Similarly to chests, but only from weapons on the table for that day, and for fragments.
Later in the year, I plan to FINALLY get the long awaited Realms beta out. The reason this is taking so long is other things take priority. Keeping FRG up, providing content in the mean time for you all to enjoy(seasonal events, etc), and fixing issues in the economy/community. I apologize for the long wait, but I promise you it is still in development!(Porting enemy models takes ~3+ hours per model, I may be willing to teach/pay someone to do this for me using the method I do, that would save me SO much time)
Now that we have a manager, I should be able to focus more on Realms (and have been.) Here's a little teaser:
In the past month or two, I've been completely revamping the Armor system for Realms and making an entirely new mechanic for it. I've also revamped the damage system, and added 3rd person accurate aiming/shooting. But I'll explain more of this soon