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Abu | Unban Request

Steam Name (Current): Abu

Steam Name (During incident): Abu

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105070611

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Abu_Eh

Name of staff you were banned by: No clue

Length of the ban: Perm

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Either or

Reason for ban: Mass Rdm

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: To an extent yes, but at the same time the report was out of context.

What really happened?: I had rdm'd 2 innos i believe which i asked for the consent to kill them. They said yes. I killed them. A player took screen shots of logs and sent to admin and the admin then banned me.

Additional details: It's been a year or 2 since. I know ive put a bad impression on many of you and thats unfortunate that we had to end like that. Im not going to be super active either i will play from time to time. I think i'd be fun to play again though and to enjoy the new content.

you should not be unbanned for mass rdm because i havent in over a year XD...

(01-06-2018, 12:45 AM)Julian707 Wrote:  you should not be unbanned for mass rdm because i havent in over a year XD...

The difference is that you mass rdmed 5 people and made 4 unban requests, all denied with made up excuses.

Now to this unban request, I spoke with Abu on WoGs on a short and boring day and he seemed pretty mature from the old ANNOYING Abu I knew. I'd like to give him a shot.

You were also banned for causing other problems like threatening to ddos and being a general annoyance to the community.

I don't know if I want to give you another chance yet

If this is the Abu I'm thinking of...
Then I most definitely support your unban.

The server really, really didnt like you, and honestly I feel like you were persecuted to a point much past reason.
First point: Aresuft's ban of Abu. Honestly, I think that was ridiculous. He had been fed up with Abu for being annoying, and at that point it seemed everyone who shared that opinion (which was most of the server) could have just blocked him. But either way, he had previously complained about him, and you made a joke to someone about "ddosing" the server (keep in mind, it was INCREDIBLY obvious he was being sarcastic and that it was for a joke's sake), and while yeah sure, you can say that it's not okay to joke about something like that, Aresuft didnt even give a warning. Like 5 seconds after without anyone having had said anything about the situation, he banned him.

Second point: Abu left on a really sour note, and from what I remember didnt care to clear the misunderstanding because he had been under the impression that people wouldn't take him seriously, given the prior incident and how everyone thought of him.

So, to sum it all up, Abu never /really/ did anything wrong. He was always being harassed, and was put in many unfair situations.
+1 for an unban
When a dragon round begins.

(01-06-2018, 12:54 AM)Fancy Humbug Typh Wrote:  If this is the Abu I'm thinking of...
Then I most definitely support your unban.

The server really, really didnt like you, and honestly I feel like you were persecuted to a point much past reason.
First point: Aresuft's ban of Abu. Honestly, I think that was ridiculous. He had been fed up with Abu for being annoying, and at that point it seemed everyone who shared that opinion (which was most of the server) could have just blocked him. But either way, he had previously complained about him, and you made a joke to someone about "ddosing" the server (keep in mind, it was INCREDIBLY obvious he was being sarcastic and that it was for a joke's sake), and while yeah sure, you can say that it's not okay to joke about something like that, Aresuft didnt even give a warning. Like 5 seconds after without anyone having had said anything about the situation, he banned him.

Second point: Abu left on a really sour note, and from what I remember didnt care to clear the misunderstanding because he had been under the impression that people wouldn't take him seriously, given the prior incident and how everyone thought of him.

So, to sum it all up, Abu never /really/ did anything wrong. He was always being harassed, and was put in many unfair situations.
+1 for an unban

Yeah, what Fancy said. I used to be good friends with Abu, he was fun to have around. +1 to an unban

I read up on you and I don't see a reason not to give you a chance. You learned your lesson and you matured a bit.



This was after you departed. So you came back to RDM like a doofus. Make of that what you will people.


Abu's intentions were bad. He claims to have had consent yet none of that was said to me during our PMing after I had banned him.


He seems like he's changed a bit, so I'm all for 2nd chances
Umpty Dumpty

Likewise, I don't recall Abu really being a problem when I played with him.
Seemed pretty genuine if you ask me.
Didn't realize he was banned, just thought he wasn't being active.
+1, unban pls.

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