01-22-2018, 11:56 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2018, 12:29 AM by ghasT_T.)
if you've played at least one game with me, you know I am a very religious person. I do not force it on anyone, nor attack anyone for holding different beliefs than I do. That is how its been for over 2 years here at frg. FRG is my community, and it always has been. I love every single person here, even if I have favorites. I'd never go out of my way to ruin someone else's experience here. That is how it should be. However, in the last month, I have lost my safe place in this community. Before I even go any further, let me tell you guys that I truly do understand the difference between a joke among peers and a deliberate jab at someone in an attempt to hurt them in some way.
With that out of the way, let me put this bluntly. I am unable to be in frg without someone making an unneeded comment on my religion. I can name AT LEAST 1 person who now has a bind that says "Hail (you know what)" that they spam whenever they see me. Even the discord isn't safe. I joined voice chat LAST night to see some friends and the first thing I hear someone say to me is something about a satanic ritual.
The way I see it, I had a few options,
1. I could ask them to stop (insert check-mark for attempting it already),
2. Talk to Brass so he could ask them to stop (which wouldn't work since its too widespread now),
or 3. Take it to the forums and get it over with.
No, saying things like "God is dead" to me doesn't trigger me, but do I LIKE IT? Of course not. Should I be hearing this directed at me in a community I've been a part of for almost 3 years? I sure hope not. And am I fed up with it? Mhm.
01-22-2018, 11:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2018, 12:15 AM by 2bias.)
I mean you're playing a game about mass murdering each other people with jihads, knives, ak-47s, etc...
If you honestly are getting annoyed at other people's point of views of religion you shouldn't be on the internet. Everyone has their own religious beliefs, and they have the right to. Just because you believe in something doesn't mean others have to or should be censored for saying their own beliefs.
Not to mention you also have super obnoxious binds that you like to spam constantly such as your "Amen" bind along with numerous other ones with bible scripture, basically forcing your religion down our throats, which gets extremely annoying after a while.
01-23-2018, 12:02 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2018, 12:03 AM by Mex 4 Member.)
I'm sorry to hear about all this, but not trying to be rude, do you have to do the things that you currently do?
You have "Amen." binded to i, so that everytime you open your inventory you say that, which becomes very annoying after all the times you say it.
There is also a block option if you really don't want people to say God is dead and talking about satanic rituals.
I don't want you to leave, but there are plenty of ways to not have to listen to these people say these things. I also am religious, but I don't bring it to the online world, and say things like Amen. and make binds about Psalms.
01-23-2018, 12:03 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2018, 12:07 AM by Jake1o.)
This is the internet dude. If your skin is really that thin then that needs some working on. I'm not trying to be a dick at all and I realize your heart is in the right place and everything, but you just have to man up and not let that shit bother you. That's all there is to it.
Also no place on the internet is "safe" by that definition.
The only thing that I absolutely despise is that you have your inventory bind to say "Amen". This means ANY time you press i (which there is lots of reasons to do so), we have to see it. Sometimes multiple times in a round.
Its annoying, and people asked you to stop and you say "block me then". That's a terrible reason to block someone.
Other than that, I don't think it's particularly fair that you can post religious stuff, but people can't say "hail cobra". It's the internet and that's silly to take offense to this kind of stuff.
(01-23-2018, 12:02 AM)Hala Wrote: I'm sorry to hear about all this, but not trying to be rude, do you have to do the things that you currently do?
You have "Amen." binded to i, so that everytime you open your inventory you say that, which becomes very annoying after all the times you say it.
There is also a block option if you really don't want people to say God is dead and talking about satanic rituals.
I don't want you to leave, but there are plenty of ways to not have to listen to these people say these things. I also am religious, but I don't bring it to the online world, and say things like Amen. and make binds about Psalms.
Those binds are mostly for jokes. I have unbinded the amen one due to lots of complaints about it.
I'm not really religious, I've never read the bible or know any scriptures (I think thats christianity.) But the internet disregards any and all beliefs and find ways to demoralize ones faith. I appreciate and respect your faith in the world but others might not. You have to keep your head up when faced with this.
Now what I am saying isnt meant to be rude, but you kinda use that Amen bind alot (Yeah I know its bound to I, but you can always unbind it.)
What people say about religion is usually jokes (Not EVERYTHING is a joke obviously.) You musn't get your head twisted up in that.
01-23-2018, 12:12 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2018, 12:15 AM by EmperorWhale.)
I've played many games with you and I never knew so you must go out of your way to tell people sometimes. Ya done fucked up. Don't talk about your religion and people won't fuck with you. Obviously that's not the case since you just announced it to everyone on the entire server. Anyway, if people really are fucking with you that much just ask a staff member about it, harassment isn't cool. Just don't bring your religion to a TTT server, just why, nobody wants to know about it.
Also I'm not trying to say something like hail satan isn't allowed, but if you're targeting someone then it becomes different which seems to be the case here.
(01-23-2018, 12:12 AM)EmperorWhale Wrote: I've played many games with you and I never knew so you must go out of your way to tell people sometimes. Ya done fucked up. Don't talk about your religion and people won't fuck with you. Obviously that's not the case since you just announced it to everyone on the entire server. Anyway, if people really are fucking with you that much just ask a staff member about it, harassment isn't cool. Just don't bring your religion to a TTT server, just why, nobody wants to know about it.
You have a point, but I never intended to, it was just an offhand remark and eventually everyone knew. I admit I hammed it up quite a bit with the binds but thats just about it.