01-23-2018, 12:22 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2018, 12:25 AM by Brassx.)
Best thing to do is to just not let people know what religion you follow, so they can't be dicks about it. Serious religion talk/issues shouldn't even be brought up on FRG at all though. Keep that kind of talk off of here if possible. This isn't a religious server, nor will we appeal to any specific religion or work to be a 'safe' space for said religion(s).
Things tend get a whole lot more complicated and controversial when religion comes into play.
If people are harassing you, that is an issue all on it's own though and should be treated as personal harassment, not an insult to your religion. If people want to go around shouting hail Satan, it doesn't bother me any. Nor should it you or anyone else. It doesn't affect you or anything to do with you, if it does affect you, then there's really nothing we can do. That's on you to figure out and come to terms with.
Tbh if you want them to stop you yourself need to behave accordingly aswell. Can't ask others to self censor if you won't.
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug
(01-23-2018, 12:22 AM)Brassx Wrote: Best thing to do is to just not let people know what religion you follow, so they can't be dicks about it. Serious religion talk/issues shouldn't even be brought up on FRG at all though. Keep that kind of talk off of here if possible. This isn't a religious server, nor will we appeal to any specific religion or be work to be a 'safe' space for said religion(s).
Things tend get a whole lot more complicated and controversial when religion comes into play.
If people are harassing you, that is an issue all on it's own though and should be treated as personal harassment, not an insult to your religion. If people want to go around shouting hail Satan, it doesn't bother me any. Nor should it you or anyone else. It doesn't affect you or anything to do with you, if it does affect you, then there's really nothing we can do. That's on you to figure out and come to terms with.
I may have been a but misleading with how I talked about this. I really just wanted to let people know that it does, in fact bother me if it's intentionally directed at me. Looking back at it I looked like I was playing the weak victim, which I most certainly am not. Really, what you believe in is your own business, just don't try and antagonize me or others over petty things. Thats really the message I wanted to convey.
I have asked you to unbind your "i" key from "amen" so many times I can't even count. To be honest, I don't give two shits about what you personally think, I just don't want to have to be reminded of it every time you open your inventory. If you can't handle people being toxic on the internet then it may not be the place for you. Everyone who thinks that Bez should be gimped until he unbinds his "i" key, please cringe at this post.
01-23-2018, 01:52 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2018, 01:52 AM by Mex 4 Member.)
(01-23-2018, 01:44 AM)SP1D3RP1G Wrote: I have asked you to unbind your "i" key from "amen" so many times I can't even count. To be honest, I don't give two shits about what you personally think, I just don't want to have to be reminded of it every time you open your inventory. If you can't handle people being toxic on the internet then it may not be the place for you. Everyone who thinks that Bez should be gimped until he unbinds his "i" key, please cringe at this post.
If you read previous posts you would know he did. Also you dont have to be rude and start a petition to make him unbind his i. Your a mod for fucks sake, you are supposed to represent the server.
01-23-2018, 01:56 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2018, 01:58 AM by Aleth.)
I honestly think this whole thing is dumb. There's no use arguing about it. I get that you're a VERY devout Christian and I respect that. I don't think people harass you just for being Christian, but when you go around constantly spamming your quotes and what not, yeah, people are going to say something to you about it. Plus... we're playing a game about terrorists with guns and killing and crap, I'm sorry that this isn't a "safe place" for you. I doubt it would be as bad if you didn't have 50 different binds of bible quotes and whatnot. Like I said, I respect your religion, I'm a Christian too, given I'm not as devout as you are but still. I think everyone should respect that you are but this is a TTT server. I don't think people care about if you believe in God or not. Hell, go worship whales for all I care. People play this game to have fun, not to have constant religious things pushed down their throats. I don't think people throwing some jokes at you should affect you this much. It's a game, take the jokes and lighten up my guy.
(01-23-2018, 01:44 AM)SP1D3RP1G Wrote: I have asked you to unbind your "i" key from "amen" so many times I can't even count. To be honest, I don't give two shits about what you personally think, I just don't want to have to be reminded of it every time you open your inventory. If you can't handle people being toxic on the internet then it may not be the place for you. Everyone who thinks that Bez should be gimped until he unbinds his "i" key, please cringe at this post.
If you read previous posts you would know he did. Also you dont have to be rude and start a petition to make him unbind his i. Your a mod for fucks sake, you are supposed to represent the server.