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Patchnotes 02/16/2018

  • Added Challenge Scrolls, these little scrolls provide a series of challenges, riddles, and puzzles for rewards. There's also unique loot and suffixes you can only obtain from these. These were completely re-written from my NTG version by Tobias, and he did a great job. Everyone who plays in the next 24 hours will get 1 free Easy challenge scroll (untradeable) to try and complete. Once you complete a scroll, you will be given a reward chest of that scroll's difficulty. These are stackable, but non-tradeable, and can be opened to reveal your reward:
    It's worth noting that you will have a chance to receive a scroll of the next difficulty from these too!

    You can obtain tradeable scrolls post-round TTT at a 1 in 24 for any ONE person, on top of that its a 11/128 to be a medium, and 5/128 to be a hard. (Not per-person, 1 in 24 for it to roll then find a random player to get the scroll).
  • Added a new TTT Minigame - "Last Man Standing - Sword Edition".  This is a melee-based  "Battle Royale" minigame, in which a safe zone spawns on the map, and gradually shrinks, dealing damage to anyone outside of it, until only one remains. (There is also a 1 in 5 chance for this round to be low-gravity!)

    This uses brand new Melee mechanics I've written to make it much more skill-based than normal Melee weapons.
    You all start with this Custom melee weapon, and with these mechanics, aside from shitbox fixes(it uses a hull trace), you can press ATTACK2 to block, but it will only block during a brief window. if you successfully block your opponents attack, they will be staggered for a brief time, leaving you an opening for an attack.
    If you're hit you are briefly slowed. Hits to the head also do more damage.
  • Added a brand new custom in-game download system, and removed all loading screen downloads aside from maps. It downloads our content while you play, and gives you a progress on the download at the bottom of your screen. If you have limited data, you can disable the download system at anytime via !stopdownload, and re-enable it with !enabledownloads. Or in !settings. If you disable this, you WILL be missing new content!
  • Added a setting in !settings to disable the "Hold to Remove" option on items.
  • Added ~15 maps.
  • Added ~20 Playermodels.

  • Worm queen, Castle, and Grims' cooldowns has been reduced to 6 hours.
  • Added a cooldown on Morgoth's swing after teleporting.
  • The minimum player count for Bloodwynd, and castle have been reduced to 2 players.
  • Spider Queen, and Dragon rounds have been made more common, and removed from the "Averaging" minigame system.
  • Highly optimized data streaming to make loading your inventory and large amounts of data much more efficient. (It reduced packet size of a Backpack full of items from 91k to 9k)
  • Dimension crystals now give 5 rounds every 4 seconds instead of 10.

SG Fucking Overlord

I'll also constantly be adding new challenges to the system, so watch out for that.

Along with doing random challenge scroll giveaways every once in a while.

Massive +1 to the challenge scrolls

(02-16-2018, 04:38 PM)Brassx Wrote:  Changes
  • Worm queen, Castle, and Grims' cooldowns has been reduced to 6 hours.
  • Added a cooldown on Morgoth's swing after teleporting.
  • The minimum player count for Bloodwynd, and castle have been reduced to 2 players.
  • Spider Queen, and Dragon rounds have been made more common, and removed from the "Averaging" minigame system.
  • Highly optimized data streaming to make loading your inventory and large amounts of data much more efficient. (It reduced packet size of a Backpack full of items from 91k to 9k)

I'm going to have so much fun doing attempting duo castles

So that means VIPs will have a 4.5 hour cooldown for those events right?

Thanks for the update brass!

I guess i have no choice but to play more now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Gotta say this update is pretty interesting.

This is economy update? Anyways good job Brass and Tobi!
Bouncy Rounds

(02-16-2018, 06:48 PM)Hala Wrote:  This is economy update? Anyways good job Brass and Tobi!

No. This is an update before the eco update. This is what the beta server was testing.

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