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G1ich ( You Know Me Brass)

Steam Name (Current): g1ich

Steam Name (During incident): g1ich

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54879293

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/g1ich/

Name of staff you were banned by: I was banned on NTG been years now

Length of the ban: PERM

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed, i was permaed dont think it can be shortened

Reason for ban: Supposetly trolling on g1ich, but when i was on hcig i just wasnt allowed on because it was the alt.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: I guess

What really happened?:I told you what happen, also I WAS banned on ntg not forunnner.

Additional details: almost all the old player know me

+1, he has seriously changed over the passed year or two.

When he was hcig, he was actually very pleasant to play with.

All up to Brassx/Jake1o, but it has been a few years he probably matured and I don't see why he would make a ban appeal just to troll again. Also it was on NTG not FRG.

I have experiences when you avoided ban by playing on an alt. Just a joke. -1

He never abused the pay system, or attempted hacking/DDOS or etc, right? Then bans shouldn't carry over.

Yeah. A ban like yours shouldn't of carried over. I guess you were banned with my Ban System on NTG. Which carries over here. Most people banned with that are people that do serious harm to the server.

I'll unban you, but do note that you're still walking a fine line due to all the problems you caused back on NTG(meaning we are already aware of how you can act).

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