Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:1:40846692
Map the event happened on: Every map
Date of event: Every day
What Happened?: The man is utterly too good at being his rank, fixes bugs way too fast (i mean, no time to exploit them, amiright?
), so very active, cares about the community way too much, has 1337 swags, owns the best server since sliced Terran (Which trust me, sliced lord Terran is good).
This has made me sad about my pitiful existence.
Witnesses: Every man women and child
Jokes aside, you're a really good owner, keep up the good work, make dem bug fixes, and pls no bully.
Map the event happened on: Every map
Date of event: Every day
What Happened?: The man is utterly too good at being his rank, fixes bugs way too fast (i mean, no time to exploit them, amiright?

This has made me sad about my pitiful existence.

Witnesses: Every man women and child
STEAM_0:1:40846692 Wrote:Bugfixes:
Should be fixed now. x33 (By now, is this keybound?)
Fixed. x6
Anyways, fixed. x1
Never mind, fixed. x1
(And counting)
Forum time:
1 Month 1 Week 5 Days 23 Hours
Community caring/Best TTT:
All of the people who play here enjoy it a ton
Swags acquired:
1000 For being owner, 337 For raising many weebs
Jokes aside, you're a really good owner, keep up the good work, make dem bug fixes, and pls no bully.