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Desperado/ Felriff - Ban Appeal

Steam Name (Current)Big Grinesperado | Moat.gg

Steam Name (During incident):Cannot remmeber, i think Desperado

Steam ID:STEAM_1:0:104955373

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170176474

Name of staff you were banned by:grassx or brassx i dont remember

Length of the ban: Perm

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Repealed but shortened would be accepted

Reason for ban:harrasment towards grassx, but the actual reason just says "bitch!"

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:yes but in a joking manner but i took it too far

What really happened?:well i was harrasing grassx, no other way to put it, dually note this happened nearly 2 years ago i have matured much since then and understand when the time to play and when the time to joke aswell as learn when someone has had enough, i would like to join the server back as a calm and collective person who could get along with everyone equally and fairly, and as i feel it is needed i do apologize to grassx.

Additional details:

moat in name

>that's gonna hurt your chances buddy.

but sure

Ik I don’t know how to change it on here...

(07-05-2018, 11:22 PM)Desperado | moat.gg Wrote:  Ik I don’t know how to change it on here...

Sign out, then sign back in despacito man

There we goSmile

Yeah i remember you.
To bring light to some of the situation, you would follow her on servers occasionally and when she blocked you you would continue very ""odd"" behavior by reporting her to get past the block. She left, in hopes when she came back youd stop, and once you started reporting her again with the same style of harassment, you were banned.

Basically, this is to show you were given many, many warnings.

However, it has been a long time, and although the situation back then was rough, id say that i dont think that similar manner will return.
When a dragon round begins.


if you get unbanned, you will have better time than moatman server, much more and better content

You cant harass anyone but BrassX, we need fishing ASAP

As jokenly as this comment sounds, I think you should come back


Worst thing that can happen is he gets banned again for having the same behavior. The time for the ban is kind of excessive for targeting a player. Probably should've been a long ban, but maybe not so much as perma. Seeing as it's been two years, we should give him a chance.


Thank you guys for trusting me, and all who will, I won’t let any of you down. I promise

I remember how toxic you were towards her and how much of an annoyance you were in general. Sure two years is two years but why should I trust you that you are better now?

We've had people do the same thing and they just break the trust they were given so why should I trust that you will be following the rules? You have shown no reason to give you said trust.

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