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MrLlamaShark - Membership Application

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): MrLlamaShark

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50

Where did you hear about this server?: Was an admin back on NTG

Have you ever been banned and why?: Never

Why do you want to join?: I would like to join this community now after many years of being burnt out on TTT, and being begged by Jake to play TTT. lol
50 hours is a minimum requirement but I don't think it's really all that much, I definitely have to get to know more people in this community besides the people that I played with a while ago. It'd be like an old family reunion! If I do get accepted I'll be sure to work hard to climb the ranks to ensure people always have a good time on the server, provided I'm not at work or in class.

+1 experience being a staff and has the hours
also never has been banned!

+1 from me. ever since he's been back he's been a joy to play with and always well mannered.

+1 if I get my green name back in your place

Realistically I'll only give a +0, I don't think you're a bad fit for member I just haven't seen/heard from you in so many years since I played in NTG and have only seen you once in the lobby.

It's been how many years and you show up at the door like a baby in a basket and we've got so many mouthes to feed, so much room in the house, etc
I'm analagizing eating to member some way and the forums to a house but it doesn't make any sense because you cant eat membership and you cant sleep in the forums.
let me try again
There's so many of you baby birds out there who are showing up from the woodwork.. and now you're a bird or something when I already compared you to a baby human. I must not be very good at this

-1 took 30+ minutes to make a sandwich during a ranked CS:GO game, causing us to lose the match.

Well, you got the 50 hours so there's that. +1 because we should fight he authority, DOWN with the MAN, up with the PEOPLE!
oh and also because you're a pretty cool guy.

Although you cant make sandwiches fast, I'm hoping you got some good P90s to sell!
+1, alright guy, also was beta tester which looks pretty cool.

-1 hasn't gave any good deals

yeah llama is a cool guy. I always considered him one of the better staff members on NTG. +1

+1 Holy shit I got so happy seeing this member app!!! +1

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