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AUGs need ranged damage drop-off and less accuracy

You all probably know how I use pretty much an aug 60% of the time, I love them and they're amazing, but right now they're unbalanced and instantly strong. When scoped in they have far too little recoil and way too high accuracy, plus no bullet damage drop-off; its unbelievably strong. I say this an an AUG lover: They need a bit of a slap.

why are you the only person that complains about things like this. Nobody else sees anything similar especially in this case. Aug's are not broken or overpowered. IT ISN'T POWER CREEP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

(08-12-2018, 06:24 AM)Poison Wrote:  why are you the only person that complains about things like this. Nobody else sees anything similar especially in this case. Aug's are not broken or overpowered. IT ISN'T POWER CREEP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I agree w/ poison, stop the complaining
Im a weeb since I play Osu! aparrently, Enchantable's fault


I believe they're only really useful when scoped in, AUGs are very powerful but have some pretty strong recoil and they have a really long reload speed to compensate.

Only thing I'd say that still needs a nerf is the Azuredge because it's an AUG with literally no downsides, insane damage output and fast reload speed.

There's no reason a seasonal item from easter eggs to be the single best gun to use for PVP/PVE

(08-12-2018, 06:24 AM)Poison Wrote:  why are you the only person that complains about things like this. Nobody else sees anything similar especially in this case. Aug's are not broken or overpowered. IT ISN'T POWER CREEP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No, its not "power creep", the aug I use is a legendary vigorous and I feel even the base AUG is much better than other counterparts. I don't exactly know why, but its incredibly powerful. Its a bit embarrassing when I can spray people down across the largest maps (Lunch, or that snowy winter map that has cliffs on the side).

This is coming from a dude who uses this aug almost all the time, its crazy ridiculous.

(08-12-2018, 08:43 AM)Kuro Wrote:  Only thing I'd say that still needs a nerf is the Azuredge because it's an AUG with literally no downsides, insane damage output and fast reload speed.

There's no reason a seasonal item from easter eggs to be the single best gun to use for PVP/PVE

Yea, reminds me of the frostburns. I'd use it even if it didn't have a proc since the base weapon is so overpowered.

Aug has terrible base accuracy to start off with, it's only really good when you scope in, and that leaves you vulnerable to anyone that snuck up to you. I could name a couple of weapon bases that are straight up better than the Aug in nearly every situation beside mid-long range. Sure it can snipe people from a fair distance, but that doesn't stop a rifle and a man with decent aim to instantly ruin someone's day with a well placed headshot or have someone turned into cheese by a galil or sg in closer ranges.

But I guess I'm biased since I own what is arguably the best Aug in the server :^(

Jesus how do people actually not think the aug is overpowered. It literally destroys compared to most base guns. It's good close range or long range.

Buff shotgun

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