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Hello, and Goodbye.

You guys may not have seen me on as much anymore, and probably want to know what I've been doing.

To put it simply I have been playing other games, but I don't want to play games as much as I do anymore. I want to live life. Explore the world. Have a family. Have a Successful career, but these things cannot be easily accomplished if I sit in my room all the damn time and play video games. The first 3 years of High School that is what I did. I am a Senior now with below a 3.0 cumulative GPA. This is HORRIBLE. This senior year I need to try my damn hardest, even though I will also be just sitting in the class listening to a teacher talk to me. I am taking a Advanced Placement Coding class and I took a Coding Class sophomore year. I want to Major in Video Game Design and Coding in General. Me playing Video Games all the time does not help me with this. I need to take coding classes outside of school and do only coding website stuff. I want to then push forward and start finding jobs and working for a company and find a good spot in my life. Hopefully by then I will have a girlfriend, home / apartment, car, and be financially stable. I will be in my prime. I will be happy. Right now... I am NOT happy. Me sitting in my basement with a 55" TV in my face while being shot by people on TTT, does not help me. If I do ever come back I may find a way to persuade Brassx into possibly letting me help him out. Who knows, ya know? This could be a side project of mine or something I do for fun.

In the end I hope you all understand why I am leaving for a pretty long time. I am not going to get on TTT and give anyone my stuff, because I may come back due to withdrawal or a new update, but for now... this is goodbye. You can message me on Steam and talk to me if you want, but you might not see me on TTT as much anymore, because I am building my career.

TL;DR - Bye, gonna live life.
Bouncy Rounds

Hey man do what you gotta do
Get everything settled out and live your life
Good luck with your future

but your gpa cant go up after junior year

good luck with it all man, good to see you have a plan started, thats always the first step
see ya whenever you feel comfortable enough to check in Smile

- That Thrakos Noob

cya man, was fun having you earrape me in discord while coach complained.
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

Yea... I can't give rating here for some reason but <3 's to everyone.
Bouncy Rounds

cya later man, it was nice knowing you. Maybe one day we'll see each other, and we can go to the local firing range with our P90s, and RDM.

(08-13-2018, 01:40 AM)tobiasxz-usagi Wrote:  but your gpa cant go up after junior year

mi senior year determined mi scholarships

Good luck Hala!!! You got this! We'll miss ya and will anticipate your return!

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