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FRG Crate rolling simulator

I assume that you have a way to simulate crates, Brass, but it'd be cool if we, the community, could; whether on FRG or on the forums in some way. There's a few benefits to it, the major one being it could log and keep an average of exactly what is dropped, so discrepancies can be figured out. Like, people could see if one crate is better than average, or worse than average, and appropriate buffs/nerfs could be applied; Look at the Item Crate 2 thing, they were grossly overpowered, but nobody who knew about it reported it or let anyone know. Maybe they just didn't think it was unusual, or maybe they didn't care, but wouldn't it help everyone?

Pls ty

a phone app that opens frg crates

I'd much rather Brass' time go towards something that actually impacts the server. A crate rolling simulator doesn't seem beneficial when he'll have to update it every time a crate comes out and maintain it over time in addition to making it in the first place. He could use that time doing things like coding Realms.

I do mean more of a technical one, i.e select a crate, hit how many "rolls" you want it to generate, and it'll tell you what it got. X unlikely, X primordial, etc.

frg case clicker
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

He has stated before he wouldn't do this since it is a waste of development time that can be on something else.

I would play the fuck out of it and never donate again lol

I've been here for a long time and there has been too many instances where some change is made that unintentionally throws crate balance out of whack.

Crescent Cases
Item crates(before and after the crate system)
Bone Crates
Ancient Cases
Item Crate 2's were slightly nerfed a few days ago when in reality they've been absolutely broken since eco
I suspect Tidals will be nerfed eventually if they haven't already

In most cases they only get corrected after being abused by players whether intentional or unintentional and that leads to some really ridiculous cases, whether it be rolling indefinitely, rolling 40000 cases to force a godlike, switching servers just because the crate is limited, or getting multiple godlikes a day for a month.
It really affects the integrity of the economy and as a player it feels like if you're not involved then you're missing out.

It's like we're playing an endless game of whack a mole with crates, where the only time we know when to hit them is when people discover them and you see the shoutbox spammed to shit or they decide to blow the whistle.

I completely support this, but my main concern is the trustworthiness of some people to report/not abuse a function like this. I've seen way many people knowingly continue to abuse things that are broken for their own benefit at the expense of everybody else and go without being punished.

Personally I'd like to be able to test each crate and report things that I think are an issue, but crates cost coins which I don't have an endless supply of.

This idea was really dumb but I'm glad you suggested it because it gave me an ACTUAL good idea. What if instead, we got a phone app that allowed us to go out in real life and collect different guns? We could like walk around and throw balls at the guns to store them in. Here's the catch though, the guns sometimes shoot their way out of the ball!!! If you run out of balls you can walk around until you find an in game gun stop or you can donate for more. What do you guys think? good idea?

Hell No. This would be abused to find the best max profit with 0 risk. People are greedy and even some of our staff won't report to me when a crate might be too good. Not to mention it really kinda just ruins the point of actually opening crates(some people would just spam these rather than opening crates at all, 100%). At least how it is now ,you have to risk your precious coin stacks to test crates out.

I do usually extensively test them 10k rolls at a time, but sometimes other things come in to play later on that disrupt their balance. It's also hard to factor in all of the RNG when testing, EVEN if I let players test them. Someone could open the same crate, the same amount of times, and have drastically different outcomes. I roll 10 10ks and average their outcomes to get an estimate, without crate perks in mind.

Other things come into play such as: Time you want to put into rolling, the amount of coins you have saved up that you are willing to spend on the crate, and your current crate level. Crates are rarely 'flat out' broken for every single person, there's only been a few instances of that happening. In the end, it's never really a huge deal because eventually it does get reported to me, but said person or someone else. I do have logs for everything too, and there has been times where I've fixed issues I've seen that no one even knew about, well before it was exploited.

Also Item II's weren't that unbalanced. They just have a ton of extra godlikes in them compared to most crates, thus making them more common, and my original tests I forgot to check godlike rates and just went based on average coin return, and the fact they rarely show up in the coinshop. I already fixed that though.

(08-18-2018, 01:45 AM)Brassx Wrote:  Hell No. This would be abused to find the best max profit with 0 risk. People are greedy and even some of our staff won't report to me when a crate might be too good. Not to mention it really kinda just ruins the point of actually opening crates(some people would just spam these rather than opening crates at all, 100%). At least how it is now ,you have to risk your precious coin stacks to test crates out.

I do usually extensively test them 10k rolls at a time, but sometimes other things come in to play later on that disrupt their balance. It's also hard to factor in all of the RNG when testing, EVEN if I let players test them. Someone could open the same crate, the same amount of times, and have drastically different outcomes. I roll 10 10ks and average their outcomes to get an estimate, without crate perks in mind.

Other things come into play such as: Time you want to put into rolling, the amount of coins you have saved up that you are willing to spend on the crate, and your current crate level. Crates are rarely 'flat out' broken for every single person, there's only been a few instances of that happening. In the end, it's never really a huge deal because eventually it does get reported to me, but said person or someone else. I do have logs for everything too, and there has been times where I've fixed issues I've seen that no one even knew about, well before it was exploited.

Also Item II's weren't that unbalanced. They just have a ton of extra godlikes in them compared to most crates, thus making them more common, and my original tests I forgot to check godlike rates and just went based on average coin return, and the fact they rarely show up in the coinshop. I already fixed that though.
Alright, no problem. I actually didn't even think of factoring in the margin for how long it may take to roll crates...That's pretty smart. If you have logs for crates, do you know how many of X has been opened, thus meaning how many Y or Z has dropped from them? Statistics just always interest me. I guess coins are used for crates, so that's fair enough...Thanks for responding.

Off-topic, but have you considered maybe changing the Ruby prices of crates? I feel like instead of buying crates with rubies, it might be easier for people to just buy looting/tradeable VIP and sell those for coins; then get crates with that...But then again, the prices of those are entirely player-driven, so that's probably hard to figure out.

Another thing off topic, (sorta), but what about removing coin drops from things like crates and keys? Keep them from events, minigames, end-round drops, scrolls; e.t.c. I wonder how that'd work out?

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