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Necromancery's zombies and one-hit infections.

Necromancery is a fun class, but it feels incredibly powerful. Specifically in the zombies it creates. The zombies can infect with a single hit, and that's an outright death sentence in the few seconds you have to find a cure and usually there's nobody there to cure you. It's also difficult to know if you've been infected.

I would like to propose two of three changes, to be applied to both human and NPC zombies:

1: I'd like a hud effect for when you've been infected, and maybe a timer counting down before you become a zombie. I don't know if there is one now but it's really non-obvious that you've been infected in some way.

2: I'd like zombies to have their damage buffed slightly and be required to kill their target in order to create another zombie.


3: I'd like to have zombies infection be a %chance that goes up the lower the health of the target is.

If 2 is adopted, it eliminates the tactic of "float and sing" zombies where you only have to hit a large amount of people once in order to convert more and more zombies.

If 3 is adopted, it eliminates the same tactic while also enabling human zombies to be a bit more strategic with their takedowns.

I'm open to more suggestions, but overall it feels very unfair to play against necromancer unless you've got a hyper-competent detective who also gets priest from the RNG classes or deliberately buys cure, neither of which is exactly very common.

I agree with some of this. Mostly that getting hit 1 single time and becoming infected sucks. It should be a chance or something.

Didnt brass already mention something about having to lower hp for better chance at infection might be a change he makes.
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